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пятница, 19 июля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - National Action neo-nazi with 'thirst for violence' jailed after police found cache of air rifles

A racist thug with a 'thirst for gratuitous violence' has been jailed for three years after he admitted being part of a banned Neo-Nazi terrorist group.

Daniel Ward, 28, of Bartley Green, Birmingham, vowed to 'wage a holy war against Jews' after becoming a member of the far-right group National Action. 

Police swooped at Ward's home in September last year and uncovered a cache of air rifles, ammo and extreme right-wing propaganda. 

Daniel Ward, 28, vowed to wage a holy war against Jews after becoming a member of the far-right group National Action

Birmingham Crown Court heard how pictures of him posing in a sinister skull mask and making a Nazi salute with fellow members was also found on his phone

Daniel Ward, 28, vowed to wage a holy war against Jews after becoming a member of the far-right group National Action. Birmingham Crown Court heard how pictures of him posing in a sinister skull mask and making a Nazi salute with fellow members was also found on his phone

Birmingham Crown Court heard how pictures of him posing in a sinister skull mask and making a Nazi salute with fellow members was also found on his phone.

He had also made internet searches on how to make a tear gas grenade and where to buy potassium nitrate as well as semi-automatic weapons.

Ward, who was also known as Opie, was described in court as having an approach to National Action which was 'so full on that even Nazi extremists took a step back.'

Police swooped at Ward's home in September last year and uncovered a cache of air rifles, ammo and extreme right-wing propaganda

Police swooped at Ward's home in September last year and uncovered a cache of air rifles, ammo and extreme right-wing propaganda

He told fellow members he was '100% committed' to fighting a war and how 'Hitler was right...Jews and their puppets are the cause of all evil and unrest in this world.' 

Ward admitted belonging to a proscribed group on January 28.

What is National Action and when was the neo-Nazi terror group formed?


National Action was the first extreme right-wing group to be proscribed since World War Two, and the 85th group to be proscribed in the UK.

It was most likely co-founded by Benjamin Raymond and Alex Davies in 2013 and operated by targeting university campuses as sites for flyering and recruitment in its 'reign of terror'.

It was an uncompromising Neo-Nazi group that expressed virulent hatred for non-whites and 'especially Jews', glorifying Hitler and inciting violence against its perceived enemies, the court heard.

Trial prosecutor Mr Atkinson said its logo bore a 'striking similarity' to the badge of the Sturmabteilung - Nazi Germany's 'SA'.

Lythgoe acted as leader, with Hankinson responsible for security and Renshaw as one of the group's spokesmen, it is alleged.

They recruited via close friendship networks or by word of mouth, mever exceeding 100 members with no more than two or three dozen attendees at each rally, jurors heard.

In September 2013 the group released a 'Strategy and Promotion' document detailing their plans to 'make way for National Socialism to enter British politics.'

Today he was jailed for three years at Birmingham Crown Court and told he will spend a further 10 years on licence.

Ward was arrested in September last year and a warrant executed at his home uncovered weapons including air rifles and ammunition.

Prosecutor Barnaby Jameson QC told the court: 'His approach to National Action was so full-on that even Nazi extremists took a step back.

'On October 19, 2016 Ward sent an email to National Action's contact address. He said he was white English from Birmingham and considered himself 'fanatical' in his beliefs.

'He went on to say: 'We are at war and it's time for me to fight for my children's future and the future of our people. 

'I am 100% committed and genuine. All I have to offer is my thirst for gratuitous violence! If I can be of any help to you guys, I'm in. Best regards, Opie.'

'He also said he was impressed with National Action's military channels ' seem almost militarised in your actions and sabotage.' '

He signed off: 'And as much as I've been told all my life Hitler was this and that he WAS right Jews and their puppets are the cause of all evil and unrest in this world! 

'Sorry if I've gone on I just have nobody to discuss this with.'

'Later the same day, Ward made internet searches on how to make a tear gas grenade and where to buy potassium nitrate - a chemical found in, among other things, fireworks.

'The previous week he had been searching for semi-automatic weapons to buy in the UK.

'Ward was asked along to the National Action meeting in Dudley where he was photographed giving the Nazi salute

'Ward went on to flout the National Action ban, though at one stage he went his own way, emailing to say he was impatient for a war on Jews and had no interest in being involved with 'dreamers'.'

National Action was formed in 2013 and in December 2016 became the first organisation to be banned by the government since World War Two following the murder of MP Jo Cox.  

What are proscribed groups and why are they banned? 

What is a proscribed organisation? 

Under the Terrorism Act 2000, the Home Secretary may proscribe an organisation if he believes it is concerned in terrorism, and it is proportionate to do. For the purposes of the Act, this means that the organisation:

• commits or participates in acts of terrorism;

• prepares for terrorism;

• promotes or encourages terrorism (including the unlawful glorification of terrorism); or

• is otherwise concerned in terrorism.

What is meant by 'terrorism' in the proscription context? 

'Terrorism' as defined in the Act, means the use or threat of action which: involves serious violence against a person; involves serious damage to property; endangers a person's life (other than that of the person committing the act); creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or section of the public; or is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system. 

The use or threat of such action must be designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and must be undertaken for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

What determines whether proscription is proportionate? 

If the statutory test is met, the Secretary of State will consider whether to exercise his discretion to proscribe the organisation. In considering whether to exercise this discretion, the Secretary of State will take into account other factors, including:

• the nature and scale of an organisation's activities;

• the specific threat that it poses to the UK;

• the specific threat that it poses to British nationals overseas;

• the extent of the organisation's presence in the UK; and

• the need to support other members of the international community in the global fight against terrorism.

 Source: Home Office - Proscribed Terrorist Organisations

News Photo National Action neo-nazi with 'thirst for violence' jailed after police found cache of air rifles
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