LOOK, I’m a patriotic kind of guy. I stand up to sing God Save The Queen and like waving a flag around.
So if the following gets me sent to the Tower, I hope they’ll take that into consideration.

It’s just this. Meghan and Harry are really beginning to get on my t*ts.
Especially Meghan — although Harry’s coming up fast on the inside track.
The presumption and hypocrisy of this ultra-woke couple knows no bounds.
They’ve just announced they will only be having two children to set an example to the rest of us, because they want to save the planet.
Our birthrate here is actually decreasing, you morons.
How about you encourage birth control in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the problem really lies?
But that wouldn’t be politically correct, would it? You wouldn’t dare say it.
And if you are concerned about the planet, how about you stop flying in a private jet to New York every few weeks for lavish parties with your smug, dunderheaded, sleb friends, huh?
Meghan agonises over the poor (in that very self-satisfied way rich lefties always do).
OK, love. Then when you want your cottage kitted out, why not pop down to Ikea like the rest of us, instead of landing the poor British taxpayer with a £2.4million bill? Incredible.
She says she craves privacy. She gets very stroppy when on one of her freebie jaunts to Wimbledon some bloke near her has his mobile phone pointed somewhere in her vicinity.
She bans the media from the christening of her baby and throws up a cordon around her home.
But a moment later she’s guest-editing the pompous fashion magazine Vogue and revelling in the publicity. On the front cover she chose a bunch of “inspirational women” who she thinks are brilliant for their work in “consciousness raising”.
They’re virtually all extremely affluent slebs who advance their own careers and incomes by occasionally parroting fashionable lefty b*****ks.
Quite a few of them, such as the awful, third-division TV presenter Jameela Jalil, are devoid of any talent at all.
In the past, even genuine criticism of Harrynmeg has been met with accusations of racism.
According to Harry — who at one time was an amiable if rather dim rugger-bugger who enjoyed dressing up in Nazi uniform — many are guilty of “unconscious racism”.
In 2016, he complained publicly of “racial over-tones” in comments about Meghan.
Listen, Ginge. There are many things I find objectionable about Meghan but nobody here cares that she’s of mixed race.
Except maybe for some lefties who can’t stop crowing about “how far we’ve come”.

For the rest of us it made no difference at all.
Unconscious racism does not exist, by the way, Harry.
Racism is something one does deliberately, with wicked intent.
There was one inspirational woman missing from Meghan’s vomit-inducing front cover.
A woman who knows the meaning of dignity, responsibility and duty and is the perfect role model for Meghan herself.
Yes, love — it’s your gran-in- law. The Queen.
Remember? Elderly woman with a sparkly hat and some corgis?
Follow her example if you want the British public to like you.
A bit less grandstanding on issues about which you know nothing at all, a bit less hypocrisy and a bit more devotion to duty.
It’s not all about you, Duchess.
Save our treats
ENEMY Of The People Award this week goes to a bloke called Alan Jope, the UK boss of food giant Unilever.
Jopey says his firm may stop making very popular British brands, including Marmite, Pot Noodle and – God help us – Magnum ice creams.

Why? Have sales dropped off or something? Nope, says Jope.
They’re all doing very well indeed. But brands should only be made if they “contribute meaningfully to the world or society”, he said.
Listen, you over-woke muppet. They do contribute meaningfully. They make us happy because we like eating them.
Now get on with your job of making food and stop acting like an adolescent Extinction Rebellion protestor with the IQ of a Dairylea cheese string. A single cheese string. A short one.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject – let’s make Heinz bring back Toast Toppers.
That would be a meaningful contribution to society. Especially the mushroom and bacon one which looked like cat puke but tasted deeeeelicious.
Labour Cabinet shame
THE Labour Party’s reaction to Boris Johnson’s ethnically diverse Cabinet has been both repulsive and racist.
It suggests that people with black and brown skin should be allowed to believe only what the Left wants them to believe.

Racial equality surely means that we all have freedom to be right-wing, left-wing or centrist, doesn’t it?
My suspicion is that ethnic-minority people in the UK are turning away from Labour because they are sick of perpetually being cast as victims.
We’ve had enough delays, Boris
BORIS Watch, Week Two.
He’s had a great start as Prime Minister.

You can tell that by the level of shrieking and howling from The Guardian and Magic Grandpa’s addled half-wits in the Labour Party.
He’s been playing tough with Brussels, too. Except been playing tough with Brussels, too. Except now he seems to have conceded that the UK might NOT leave the EU customs union for two years
That’s kicking the can down the road, Boris. Here’s a bet – he’ll concede even more to the EU before October is upon us.
Island wing dings
THERE were thousands of fans at Stansted Airport to welcome back the contestants from Love Island.
Some of them had T-shirts made reading “fanny flutters”, which I’m told is something to do with a woman called Maura.

Others had huge banners emblazoned with names like Molly-Mae.
Do you understand behaviour like that? Too bizarre for words.
It's the Jocks, isn't it?
BOUGHT a round of drinks in my local and handed over a £20 note.
The barman checked it very carefully.
“We’ve had a lot of counterfeits,” he explained.
But not all of them very good counterfeits. The last one he saw had pound spelled “poond”.
It’s the Jocks, isn’t it? Got to be.
Sore point
THE latest sport to use video-assisted referees is . . . jousting.
Now, tell me that doesn’t sound wrong.

If one bloke isn’t lying on his back with a lance through his intestines then, to my mind, it’s a draw.
The Premier League will see the benefit of VAR this coming season. Stand by for even more injustices and some very bored spectators.
Not best pleased
YOU’VE got to feel a bit sorry for Jim Stauffer.
His mum, Doris, sadly died. And he donated her body to biomedical research. For research into Alzheimer’s disease.

But the hospital flogged Doris to the US army for $5,000. Then she was strapped to a chair and blown up with a bomb.
Jim is not best pleased. Have to say, though, I wouldn’t mind going that way.
Or better still, strapped to the nose of an intercontinental ballistic missile heading for Tehran.
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News Photo The inspirational woman missing from Meghan Markle’s vomit-inducing Vogue front cover is the Queen
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