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суббота, 27 июля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - How to free trapped plug cables without the need to lift or struggle with furniture

DIY can be the ultimate test of patience, with many couples falling out over the smallest of issues.

But those looking for a quick fix to free an annoying trapped plug may have to wait a bit longer.

What first looks like a crafty way to untangle a wire, actually appears to be little more than a magic trick.

Footage from Chengdu City, China, shows a woman giving a mini-tutorial on how to release a trapped wire from shelving.

In the entrancing video, a few slick manoeuvres sees the unnamed woman free a plug cable without the need to do any heavy lifting.

The video opens with the head of the electrical cord stuck on one side of the white shelving bracket

She feeds a few inches of cord through to the far side and uses the wire to create a figure-eight knot

The video opens with the head of the electrical cord stuck on one side of the white shelving bracket, left, before the woman reveals her easy way, right, of getting it out

The video opens with the head of the cable stuck on one side of the white shelving bracket.

As the woman demonstrates, brute force is not enough to pull the cord underneath the shelves.

Instead she appears to feed a few inches of cable through to the far side and uses the wire to create a figure-eight knot.

The woman then lies the wire flat and slides the top hoop of the knot underneath the shelving towards the wire head.

The woman then lies the cord flat and slides the top hoop of the knot underneath the shelving towards the cord head

Without lifting the brackets, she pulls the cord head back through the hoop before it it is miraculously freed

The woman then lies the cord flat and slides the top hoop of the knot underneath the shelving, left, towards the cord head before reaching through, right, for the next step

Without lifting the brackets, she looks to pull the cable head back through the hoop before it is magically freed.

She pulls off the apparent feat of magic in a matter of seconds - and in a trick that will have many handymen scratching their heads.

DIY is becoming increasingly popular with the British public, which was confirmed by a survey conducted by Hiscox last year.

The poll found that in 2013, only three per cent of homeowners decided to improve their existing home instead of moving but that figure rose to 15 per cent.

News Photo How to free trapped plug cables without the need to lift or struggle with furniture
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