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четверг, 18 июля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Tory Remainers are idiots if they think that No Brexit ends happily for anyone

Tory wreckers

TORY Remainers think voters are mugs.

But the public knows their defeat of the Government, stopping our next PM suspending Parliament in October, is not some noble defence of democracy.

Tory Remainers are idiots if they think that No Brexit ends happily for them, their party or Britain
AFP or licensors

It is simply to make it harder to honour the referendum result by leaving the EU with No Deal. But the crunch is coming for these wreckers.

Theresa May’s deal is dead, rejected three times. If the EU still refuses to rewrite it, No Deal it must be — as both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt accept.

The choice will be that or No Brexit.

And the Cabinet Remainer duds and no-mark ministers, all ready to quit instantly if Boris becomes PM, are idiots if they think that No Brexit ends happily for them, their party or Britain.

The Tories must be pro-Brexit, in whatever form necessary. There is no choice. Helpfully, the EU’s new federalist leader is already making it more toxic to Brits by the minute.

So Tory Remainers must wake up to this stark choice:

It’s Brexit, with No Deal if need be, or No Brexit, no Tories . . . and Marxism.

Free at a price

WE always said No Deal could be bumpy.

Our economy will take a short-term hit. So will Ireland’s and the continent’s. Jobs will be lost.

PA:Press Association
No Deal will need a dynamic new Chancellor as Philip Hammond is too busy shamefully betraying his own Government[/caption]

But what alternative is there if the EU and the Irish PM refuse to confront reality and make the deal palatable?

And taking as gospel the official forecast of a year-long recession costing £30billion neglects three crucial things:

That forecasts are often wrong. That our £39billion, or most of it, will no longer be paid to Brussels. And that the Treasury can enact emergency measures, like tax cuts, to boost the economy.

That will need a dynamic new Chancellor. The existing one, Philip Hammond, is too busy shamefully betraying his own Government and scorching the earth for the incoming regime.

If No Deal IS a disaster, his miserable defeatism will be partly to blame.

Beeb’s bullies

THE BBC’s betrayal of old folk becomes yet more sickening.

Not content with stripping them of their free licence while paying millions to the likes of Gary Lineker, it intends to send out enforcers to demand the cash.

Getty Images - Getty
The next PM must not let the greedy, wasteful BBC fleece pensioners or taxpayers[/caption]

These goons hammering on the doors of traumatised and confused OAPs are absurdly described as an “outreach team” carrying out a “support visit”.

But the BBC’s self-harm doesn’t stop there. It turns out its breach of the funding deal with the Government will trigger a stampede of pension credit claims to qualify for an exemption from the fee.

Cost to taxpayers . . . £1.6billion.

This PM has given up. Her successor must not let the greedy, wasteful BBC fleece pensioners or taxpayers.


News Photo Tory Remainers are idiots if they think that No Brexit ends happily for anyone
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