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суббота, 20 июля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - PETER HITCHENS: We're destroying the Armed Forces

Having wrecked the schools, the police, the courts and the Civil Service, destroyed the married family and debauched the economy, the slow-motion British Revolution now plans to ruin the Armed Forces, the last truly conservative institutions left standing after 60 years of upheaval.

At the end of this process, the Army, Navy and Air Force will still exist in outward form, but they will be useless for the purpose for which we have them – fighting the enemy. 

Instead, they will produce plenty of annual reports showing how sexually equal and inclusive they are.

I am amazed there has not been more fuss about the grotesque ¿report¿ claiming that the Forces have ¿unacceptable levels of sexism, racism and bullying¿ and are led by ¿a pack of white middle-aged men¿ [File photo]

I am amazed there has not been more fuss about the grotesque ‘report’ claiming that the Forces have ‘unacceptable levels of sexism, racism and bullying’ and are led by ‘a pack of white middle-aged men’ [File photo]

The appointment of officers will be made on the grounds of subservience to dogma rather than on the grounds of known bravery or competence, and also of course on the basis of sex, with women preferred over men.

If ever such disembowelled, politically corrected forces come up against the fighters of any country which still puts national defence before political fashion, then I do not think there is much doubt of the outcome.

I am amazed there has not been more fuss about the grotesque ‘report’ claiming that the Forces have ‘unacceptable levels of sexism, racism and bullying’ and are led by ‘a pack of white middle-aged men’.

‘Report’ these days is a grand title given to any miserable little pamphlet, light on evidence and long on denunciation, produced by any fool who cares to line himself up with the prevailing ideology.

If ever such disembowelled, politically corrected forces come up against the fighters of any country which still puts national defence before political fashion, then I do not think there is much doubt of the outcome (file photo)

If ever such disembowelled, politically corrected forces come up against the fighters of any country which still puts national defence before political fashion, then I do not think there is much doubt of the outcome (file photo) 

This ideology hates conservative attitudes towards discipline, courage, self-restraint and freedom of speech. It hates, above all, any expression of the blazing truth that women are different from men.

It entirely accepts the revolutionary beliefs of the #MeToo movement that men are basically not to be trusted in the presence of women. It smears any outbreak of patriotism as ‘racist’.

Well, we’ve heard all this before, notably in the Macpherson Report’s claim that the Metropolitan Police were ‘institutionally racist’, which triggered a 20-year inquisition by fanatics. 

No evidence for this supposed ‘institutional racism’ was ever produced, as the few who have actually read the report have found.

But the allegation was enough, and the police forces of this country are now under the leadership of people whose ideas about crime, punishment, right and wrong, might have come out of a Trotskyist pamphlet of the 1970s (I should know. I used to write Trotskyist pamphlets in the 1970s). Which is why they are so bad at what they do.

At the end of this process, the Army, Navy and Air Force will still exist in outward form, but they will be useless for the purpose for which we have them ¿ fighting the enemy. Theresa May is pictured delivering a speech to the Joint Forces Command headquarters in London earlier this month

At the end of this process, the Army, Navy and Air Force will still exist in outward form, but they will be useless for the purpose for which we have them – fighting the enemy. Theresa May is pictured delivering a speech to the Joint Forces Command headquarters in London earlier this month

Now, under a similar thin excuse, it is proposed that all – yes, all – senior officers above the rank of brigadier should be sent on mandatory ‘diversity training courses’. 

It also calls for the appointment of a ‘culture and behaviour tsar’ to supervise the new regime.

I’ve had some dealings with our Armed Forces. I’d say that their officers and NCOs are about the last bit of our country where – in return for shockingly small rewards – serious responsibility, discipline and skill are still encouraged, and where failure is not tolerated, not out of cruelty or spite but because, in battle, you cannot fail.

Until now, they have just about fought off the modern world. Now it is coming to get them, just as the planet darkens and grows more dangerous. And people ask me why I recommend pessimism.

A perfect glimpse of the past

Why can’t we in Britain make decent films or TV shows about our past? Rubbishy, pseudo-nostalgic re-creations of old cars and clothes, accompanied by enough smoking to give the cast cancer, is all we get. 

That could be one of the reasons why we make such a mess of the past and the future.

By contrast, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, the brilliant director of The Lives Of Others, a film about the East German Stasi, has now made a superb, beautiful and moving panorama of his own country’s bitter, cruel 20th Century history. 

What happens to Saskia Rosendahl, the beautiful star of the film, is a reminder of a part of the Nazi horror that has been overshadowed by even worse crimes, but should never be forgotten

What happens to Saskia Rosendahl, the beautiful star of the film, is a reminder of a part of the Nazi horror that has been overshadowed by even worse crimes, but should never be forgotten 

It is called Never Look Away, and you’ll need some stamina to watch it as it is very long and subtitled.

But Charles Dickens would have liked the oily, plausible villain at the heart of it – Nazi one year, Communist the next, Democratic after that – and the way his wickedness is uncovered by the pointing finger of a child in a mysterious painting.

What happens to Saskia Rosendahl, the beautiful star of the film, is a reminder of a part of the Nazi horror that has been overshadowed by even worse crimes, but should never be forgotten.

Pull the plug on this electric menace 

Of all the phoney rubbish about climate change, perhaps the phoniest is the current fashion for electric road vehicles.

The voltage that charges the batteries of these devices comes from French nuclear power stations, gas turbines and even (on occasion) diesel generators. 

Our absent police completely fail to enforce the laws against these devices, which now career along footpaths and pavements, as well as crazily on busy roads. A file photo of an electric scooter is pictured above

Our absent police completely fail to enforce the laws against these devices, which now career along footpaths and pavements, as well as crazily on busy roads. A file photo of an electric scooter is pictured above

Electric cars are just a way to feel good about a means of transport that gives its users heart disease, back pain and depression, and endangers everyone else. 

Electric bicycles (just about OK for the over-80s) are disguised motorbikes, capable of frightening speeds. Users rarely move their legs yet look self-righteous as if they were exercising, and use facilities hard-won over decades by real cyclists. 

But perhaps worst of all is the pestilence of electric scooters. Our absent police completely fail to enforce the laws against these devices, which now career along footpaths and pavements, as well as crazily on busy roads. 

I suspect they are popular with people who have lost their licences, or can’t be bothered to take a test, but still want motor transport.

They are starting to injure and kill, and if not stopped this will get much, much worse.

The Big Dope lobby have stupefied us

I am convinced our governing class are actively committed to stupefying the population. 

After all, since they have failed on the EU, economy, housing, crime, NHS, employment, education and transport, the idea of doping us all into stoned submission with the legalisation of cannabis must begin to look like a realistic option. If we’re all out of our minds, we won’t notice.

The grittier ultra-Thatcherite ‘libertarian’ Tories justify this plan on the grounds that it will raise a lot of tax, as cigarettes used to do before so many sensibly realised that smoking kills you.

If only this plan were as nice as it sounds. But as the horrible news from Scotland showed last week, drugs which provide easy, unearned pleasure exact a high price in physical and mental health.

The obvious response to the Scottish deaths is to ensure fewer people start taking drugs in the first place, through deterrent punishment of users. If you believe, as one BBC reporter declared as if it were a fact on the Radio 4 news, that these abusers cannot stop, then the only policy that makes sense is to ensure they never start.

Before drug abuse became common, and before the police gave up enforcing the possession laws, we had very few such deaths. 

But the BBC has become the British Bureau for Cannabis, missing no opportunity to promote legalisation. Alas, the political world is now the same. 

I do not think I can now identify a single MP who has not been swallowed up by the Big Dope campaign, regurgitating their weary, untrue claims, unchallenged by any informed or principled voice.

The catastrophe of mental illness, violence, sloth and incompetence which will result from marijuana legalisation is appalling beyond belief. 

Yet it seems set to happen. You elect these stupid, gullible people. Perhaps you can find out what is wrong with them, the next time they ask for your votes.

If you want to comment on Peter Hitchens click here 

News Photo PETER HITCHENS: We're destroying the Armed Forces
You don’t have to pack away your dress just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

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