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четверг, 18 июля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Ilhan Omar's ex-husband and alleged brother is a glamorous, globe-trotting Brit

Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was married legally to the congresswoman between 2009 and 2017, six years after she reconciled with her first  husband. He is now based in the UK

Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was married legally to the congresswoman between 2009 and 2017, six years after she reconciled with her first  husband. He is now based in the UK

After President Trump repeated an unsubstantiated rumor that Ilhan Omar's second husband was in fact her brother on Wednesday, there was fresh scrutiny on the Democratic congresswoman's tangled personal life and marital history.

Her second husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, is who Trump was referring to when he made the comment. 

He married Omar in a legal ceremony in Minnesota in 2009. At the time, she'd already had two children with Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi and had been married and divorced from him in sharia law but their union was never legally recognized. 

According to internet sleuths, Omar, Elmi and Hirsi all lived together in Fargo, where both she and Elmi studied at North Dakota State University. 

In 2011, Elmi moved to London (he is a British citizen of Somali descent), Omar and Hirsi got back together and had their third child a year later. 

What became of Elmi afterwards has remained somewhat of a mystery. Omar claimed in 2016, when the rumor that they were related emerged online and denied it as 'absurd and offensive', that he moved to the UK in 2011. 

But photographs obtained by prove he was in the US, in Minneapolis (the town where they got married), until 2012. 

Omar is shown with her first and current husband, Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi, and their three children. She has refused to give details about her first marriage

Omar is shown with her first and current husband, Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi, and their three children. She has refused to give details about her first marriage 

Ahmed is shown in one of the many mirror selfies he shares on Instagram

As a teenager in Minneapolis, where he went to high school. It is the same state where Omar settled in 1997 as a refugee

Ahmed shares his flair for fashion on social media where he regularly posts selfies. Right, a photo of him as a teenager in Minnesota, where he went to high school for a time 

Elmi has stayed quiet about his marriage to the socialist congresswoman. He is shown in Chicago, in a different, years-old social media photograph

Elmi has stayed quiet about his marriage to the socialist congresswoman. He is shown in Chicago, in a different, years-old social media photograph 


1997: Omar and her family settle in Minnesota after fleeing war-torn Somalia 

2002: She marries Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi in a religious ceremony but it is not recognized legally. The pair go on to have two children. 

2008: She and Hirsi separate. Because the marriage was never recognized by law, neither is the separation 

2009: Omar marries Ahmed Elmi in Minneapolis 

2010: He enrolls at North Dakota State University to study fine art and lives with Omar as well as her first husband

2011: Omar claims she and Elmi split this year and he went back to the UK. She reconciles with Hirsi 

2012: Omar and Hirsi have their third child. 

Elmi is still in the US according to college officials and social media

2013:  Elmi starts working in London 

2016: The marriage is brought up during Omar's campaign for congress 

She denies it and it is largely ignored because of the lack of proof around it

July 2019: President Trump thrusts the rumor back into the spotlight  

And and officials at the university where they studied together say he was enrolled until that year too. 

Since then, he has been gallivanting around London attending music festivals, staying in posh hotels and frequenting local pubs.   

While Omar soaks up headlines for inciting President Trump, her elusive second husband and rumored sibling has been globe-trotting and sharing his adventures on social media.  

Elmi's profile in the UK begins in 2013 when he started working as a public relations assistant that year, then went on to dabble in fashion writing. 

He still works as a freelance copywriter and editor and while based in London, travels the world.  

On Thursday, as the chaos from the president's comments erupted in America, Elmi was sharing videos from a beach in Mombasa. 

He has been in Kenya for the last several weeks. In 2012, as his ex-wife welcomed her third child, he was in Kuala Lumpur. 

Since 2013, he has enthusiastically shared selfies and photos with friends in English pubs, smoking and drinking.

He lists himself as the founder of an online magazine and counts Esquire magazine and Saatchi & Saatchi among former employers. 

Elmi has not replied to attempts to contact him by in the past. 

Ahmed d Elmi posing with a friend at a music festival in August 2018 in the UK, after leaving America

Ahmed d Elmi posing with a friend at a music festival in August 2018 in the UK, after leaving America 

A social media post from Omar's second husband taken in New York in 2017 purporting to be at the Trump Tower. He captioned it '#RepublicanChic'

A social media post from Omar's second husband taken in New York in 2017 purporting to be at the Trump Tower. He captioned it '#RepublicanChic'

Omar's second husband in this social media post on Instagram at Heaven - 'The World's Most Famous Gay Nightclub', according to its website

Omar's second husband in this social media post on Instagram at Heaven - 'The World's Most Famous Gay Nightclub', according to its website

Elmi is shown with friends at The Ned, London, an exclusive members-only club and hotel

Elmi is shown with friends at The Ned, London, an exclusive members-only club and hotel 

He has shut down a Facebook account he used to use and turned his Instagram account private on Thursday after Trump's comments. 

Where he lived before he married Omar in 2009 in Minnesota remains a mystery.

She settled there with her family in 1997 after fleeing war-torn Somalia as refugees. 

Elmi has campaigned in the past for causes in the country. 

In 2016, he asked for help for an educational program to benefit children in 'Somaliland', an unrecognized but independent state.

Omar said when pushed for answers about their marriage in 2016 that she was 'culturally married' to one of the men while 'legally married' to another. 

She and Elmi did not obtain a legal divorce until 2017. She and Hirsi married legally the following year. 

Elmi shared this photo on Wednesday using the trending FaceApp - Elmi suggested the picture had looked like Angelina Jolie

Elmi shared this photo on Wednesday using the trending FaceApp - Elmi suggested the picture had looked like Angelina Jolie

A social media post taken a few month's ago by Omar's second husband, simply captioned: 'Mood'

A social media post taken a few month's ago by Omar's second husband, simply captioned: 'Mood'

In another post, Elmi appears in East London, posing for the camera while taking a break from painting

In another post, Elmi appears in East London, posing for the camera while taking a break from painting

The issue has raised questions about her relationships and allegations from conservative websites that her marriage to Elmi was a sham, intended for immigration purposes. 

Omar  is shown on Thursday in the House. She has not addressed Trump's comments

Omar  is shown on Thursday in the House. She has not addressed Trump's comments 

In 2016, Omar lambasted the suggestion that he was her brother, calling it an 'absurd and offensive' suggestion.  

She has not denied or been able to disprove that she was married to the pair at the same time. 

The rumor that Elmi is her brother first emerged on a Somali forum where critics said both Elmi and Omar had the same father because his name was the same.  

On Wednesday, Trump was on the White House lawn when he made the comment. 

He has been under intense scrutiny for referring to Omar as a member of a 'squad' of migrant Congresswomen who he told to go back to 'their' countries in a series of tweets over the weekend. 

'Well there's a lot of talk about the fact that she was married to her brother,' Trump said on the White House lawn. 

'I know nothing about it, I hear that she was married to her brother ... I don't know but I'm sure that somebody would be looking at that,' he said. 

News Photo Ilhan Omar's ex-husband and alleged brother is a glamorous, globe-trotting Brit
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