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суббота, 30 марта 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - I have only had sex once with my boyfriend and he says it is overrated

DEAR DEIDRE: I AM sexually attracted to a guy I have been seeing for just over six months but he views sex as “overrated”.

Sex is really important to me so I am starting to feel I cannot wait much longer before we take our relationship to a new level.

My boyfriend does not seem interested in sex
Getty - Contributor

He is 23, I am 22. We did have sex once when we were both drunk but that is the only time. He is a lovely guy who says he adores me.

I know sex is not everything and not a good enough reason to dump him but a lack of it is making me feel neglected and tense all the time.

I have spoken to him but I don’t want to come across as sex mad and needy.

There is this other guy I have always had a thing for. I know he would suit my sexual needs better but I don’t want to ruin what I have with my lovely man.

DEIDRE SAYS: There will be a reason why the guy you love is holding back.

You don’t mention a religious reason so I am assuming it is not that, in which case sex probably makes him feel anxious, and the reason for that probably goes very deep.

Tell him that you are worried your relationship is not progressing and ask him why he is so reluctant to engage sexually when most guys his age are pressing forwards.

My e-leaflet Your Man Too Cold? will help.

NEXT IN TODAY’S DEAR DEIDRE I had great hotel sex and swinging sessions with my manager and colleagues but now I’m anxious

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News Photo I have only had sex once with my boyfriend and he says it is overrated
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