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четверг, 28 марта 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Donald Trump declares the ‘Russia hoax is finally dead’ and says ‘liars’ behind Mueller report will pay

DONALD Trump declared the “Russia hoax is finally dead” as he continued on his victory lap following the release of the Mueller report.

He vowed “liars” behind the two-year probe would be “held accountable” after Special Counsel Mueller did not find any evidence Trump’s campaign conspired with Russia.

Trump declared the 'Russia hoax is finally dead' as he continued on his victory lap following the release of the Mueller report
AFP or licensors
Trump declared the ‘Russia hoax is finally dead’ as he continued on his victory lap following the release of the Mueller report[/caption]

He vowed the 'liars' behind the two-year probe would be 'held accountable'
AP:Associated Press
He vowed the ‘liars’ behind the two-year probe would be ‘held accountable’[/caption]

Speaking to a screaming crowd of more than 11,000 at his second re-election rally in Michigan, the fired-up US President said: “The collusion delusion is over.

“After three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead.

“The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction.

“I could have told you that two and a half years ago. Total exoneration. Complete vindication.”

Trump slammed the “sick” Democrats who promoted the now dismissed idea that his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to tilt the presidential election.

“Their fraud has been exposed…and they’ve now got big problems.


“They’re on artificial respirators now,” he joked, “needing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.”

Trump branded the investigation “nothing more than a sinister effort” to undermine his 2016 election victory and “sabotage the will of the American people.”

The rally is Trump’s first political event since news broke that special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of his campaign colluding with Russians.

Mueller did not, however, come to a conclusion on obstruction of justice, leaving that up to his new attorney general.

Trump is calling the report “total exoneration” nonetheless.

Earlier in the evening, the President’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., stoked up the crowds saying “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on America” is now “out the window.”

And he’s thanking his father’s supporters for sticking with him, saying “it’s not just our vindication, it’s your vindication” too.


It came hours after Trump vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign.

Speaking on The Sean Hannity Show, Trump said he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began.

“I do, I have plans to declassify and release. I have plans to absolutely release,” Trump said.

“I have some very talented people working for me, lawyers, they really didn’t want me to do it early on.

“At the right time we will be absolutely releasing.”

Trump also accused FBI officials of committing “treason”.

He referred to the texts between former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page who had an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion.

“It was treason, it was really treason,” Trump said.


“You had dirty cops, you had people who are bad FBI folks … At the top, they were not clean, to put it mildly.”

He said later: “We can never allow these treasonous acts to happen to another president.”

In an apparent shot at ex-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Trump said “this all would not have happened” if Attorney General William Barr had been with his administration from the start.

“If you wrote this as a novel, nobody would buy it; it would be a failure, because it would be too unbelievable,” Trump said.

“We’re getting to the bottom of it. This can never, ever happen to a president again.

“That was a disgrace and an embarrassment to our country. … Hopefully they won’t get away with it.”

It came two days after Trump threatened a “treason” probe into those behind the Mueller probe.

The President accused former senior officials of “evil things” and warned they “will certainly be looked at” as Republicans clamoured for revenge.

He also blasted the media for fuelling the “false narrative” that his campaign conspired with Moscow to win the 2016 election.


Trump has called the probe a “witch hunt” and falsely claimed it was based on the “dirty dossier” compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

He has also repeatedly lashed out at the “fake news” media – including launching a ferocious attack on Buzzfeed for falsely reporting Mueller had concluded the president ordered his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.

The US President slammed the “discredited” news site for reporting he had tried to cover up his involvement in negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s $25m inquiry cleared Trump of collusion but left open the possibility he was guilty of obstructing justice, according to a four-page summary by Attorney-General William Barr.

Trump hailed it a “complete and total exoneration” — but Democrats are demanding to see the full report as Congress continues to investigate him and his aides.


White House press secretary Sarah Sanders accused “Democrats and the media” of “perpetuating the lie” that the Trump campaign may have co-ordinated with Russia.

She named officials who were in office during the 2016 election who “did nothing to stop” Russian meddling, including sacked FBI boss James Comey, ex-CIA director John Brennan and former director of national intelligence James Clapper.

Last night the chairmen of six House committees investigating the President’s behaviour wrote demanding Mr Barr release the full Mueller report and any supporting evidence by April 2.

They said: “Your letter leaves open many questions concerning the conduct of the President and his closest advisers… The release of the full report and the underlying evidence and documents is urgently needed by our committees to perform their duties under the constitution.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer also demanded the report and attacked Mr Barr’s decision not bring charges for obstructing justice.

They said in a joint statement: “The fact that Special Counsel Mueller’s report does not exonerate the president on a charge as serious as obstruction of justice demonstrates how urgent it is that the full report and underlying documentation be made public without any further delay.

“Given Mr Barr’s public record of bias against the Special Counsel’s inquiry, he is not a neutral observer and is not in a position to make objective determinations about the report.”

Republican Lindsey Graham, who spent the weekend with Mr Trump in Florida, said his Senate judiciary committee will investigate the Justice Department and the FBI’s actions, including the use of the Steele dossier.

And Mr Trump hinted a further inquiries targeting his rivals. On Twitter he posted a link to an article on right-wing site Breitbart saying the Obama administration “must account for (its) abuse of surveillance powers”.

Trump branded the investigation 'nothing more than a sinister effort' to undermine his 2016 election victory
AP:Associated Press
Trump branded the investigation ‘nothing more than a sinister effort’ to undermine his 2016 election victory[/caption]

Trump told a screaming crowd of more than 11,000 at his second re-election rally in Michigan: 'The collusion delusion is over'
AFP or licensors
Trump told a screaming crowd of more than 11,000 at his second re-election rally in Michigan: ‘The collusion delusion is over’[/caption]

The US President branded the two-year investigation an 'illegal Democrat witch hunt'
AFP or licensors
The US President branded the two-year investigation an ‘illegal Democrat witch hunt’[/caption]

A four-page summary by Attorney-General William Barr says there was no collusion with Russia
A four-page summary by Attorney-General William Barr says there was no collusion with Russia
AP:Associated Press
Robert Mueller interviewed 500 witnesses in a two-year probe costing $25m
Robert Mueller interviewed 500 witnesses in a two-year probe costing $25m
Getty Images

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News Photo Donald Trump declares the ‘Russia hoax is finally dead’ and says ‘liars’ behind Mueller report will pay
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