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вторник, 15 января 2019 г.

New photo Corbyn gets ready to strike: Labour leader calls a vote of no-confidence to topple May TONIGHT

A no confidence vote that could oust Theresa May will be held today after Jeremy Corbyn launched his attack seconds after the Brexit deal was crushed.   

The Labour leader is seizing on the Brexit chaos to try to force the Tories out of power and get the keys to Number Ten for himself.

But braced for the attack, the PM told the Commons she would face a confidence vote before he had a chance to announce his plan.   

Getting to his feet at the end of an explosive day in Parliament, Mr Corbyn said the PM had suffered a 'catastrophic' defeat that has left her Brexit plan in tatters.

In a defiant statement moments after Mrs May was defeated 432 to 202, Mr Corbyn said he had tabled the crucial motion. 

He said: 'The result of tonight’s vote is the greatest defeat for a government since the 1920s in this House. This is a catastrophic defeat for this government.

'After two years of failed negotiations, the House of Commons has delivered its verdict on her Brexit deal and that verdict is absolutely decisive.'

His spokesman even suggested that if Labour lose tonight's vote they could table another no confidence vote in future weeks.

The move triggers a high-stakes contest that, if he wins, could send Mrs May tumbling from office and pave the way for a general election. 

But Mrs May looks set to cling on tonight after the DUP and her hardline Brexiteers confirmed they would vote for her - despite pulling their support last night.

Jeremy Corbyn is hoping to seize on the chaos of the PM's deal being voted down to table a no confidence motion and try to topple Mrs May

Jeremy Corbyn is hoping to seize on the chaos of the PM's deal being voted down to table a no confidence motion and try to topple Mrs May

Jeremy Corbyn is hoping to seize on the chaos of the PM's deal being voted down to table a no confidence motion and try to topple Mrs May

Theresa May (pictured in the Commons last night after her crushing defeat)  will face a fresh attack tonight as Labour try to topple her from power

Theresa May (pictured in the Commons last night after her crushing defeat)  will face a fresh attack tonight as Labour try to topple her from power

Theresa May (pictured in the Commons last night after her crushing defeat)  will face a fresh attack tonight as Labour try to topple her from power

Jeremy Corbyn (pictured leaving Parliament last night) said it was a 'catastrophic' defeat for the Government and confirmed he would seek to oust Mrs May tonight

Jeremy Corbyn (pictured leaving Parliament last night) said it was a 'catastrophic' defeat for the Government and confirmed he would seek to oust Mrs May tonight

Jeremy Corbyn (pictured leaving Parliament last night) said it was a 'catastrophic' defeat for the Government and confirmed he would seek to oust Mrs May tonight

Mr Corbyn had  been under a huge amount of pressure from his MPs to table the vote to try to topple the PM after her humiliation last night.

He had threatened to hold the vote last month, but U-turned on it in a move which saw him mocked by his critics.  

Backbencher Gavin Shuker said failure to force a vote would be an 'abdication of leadership' and prove that the Labour leader is just trying to dodge backing a second Brexit referendum.

How can Corbyn call a confidence vote and what would it mean?

What is a vote of no confidence?

To win and keep power, any Prime Minister has to be able to win votes in the House of Commons - this is known as 'confidence'. Where the Opposition believes this is no longer true, it can call a vote of no confidence to demonstrate it.

Why is Corbyn expected to call one tonight? 

Theresa May is set to lose a vote on her Brexit deal tonight - potentially by the biggest margin ever recorded. Corbyn will say this is proof she does not have the confidence of the House.

Why might he delay? 

Corbyn has resisted demands for weeks to call a vote, insisting it will only happen when he is sure he will win. His backbenchers think it is also to avoid him having to back a new referendum on Brexit. 

How will he do it? 

If he makes his move, Corbyn will appear briefly at the Despatch Box to make a point of order. He will announce he has tabled a motion of no confidence. 

When will the vote happen? 

Commons rules say the Government should schedule the motion for a debate and vote 'soon'. It is widely expected to happen tomorrow - but could be delayed until Thursday and maybe even Monday.

Will May lose? 

Probably not - this time. Labour and other opposition parties cannot win without help from Tory MPs. Some have suggested they might join a no confidence motion to prevent no deal Brexit but May is unlikely to back this after losing tonight's vote.

What would losing mean? 

Historically, losing a no confidence vote would be a trigger for the Prime Minister to resign and call a general election. This last happened in 1979, bringing down James Callaghan 311-310 - paving the way for the election of Margaret Thatcher.

This is no longer true. Instead, it starts a 14-day countdown in which the Government must assemble a new coalition or the Opposition must demonstrate it can form a Government.

Failure would then mean an election.  

Mr Shuker said yesterday: 'A failure to table a no confidence motion would be a huge betrayal tonight. 

'An abdication of leadership; the act of someone trying dodge a People's Vote and run down the clock.' 

Labour want to oust Mrs May, force a general election, seize power and take control of the Brexit talks.

They insist that a Labour government would do a better job in the talks than the PM.

But Labour are deeply divided on Brexit - with many Remainer MPs clamouring for a second referendum while voters in the Labour heartlands overwhelmingly backed Brexit.

Mr Corbyn is under huge pressure from his backbenchers to back a second referendum, dubbed a 'People's Vote'.

But he has tried to dodge these demands by saying that he will push for another election but after that all options are on the table.

And yesterday his spokesman suggested that they could repeatedly try to delay the moment of truth when they will have to decide whether or not to back another referendum by tabling more than one no confidence vote. 

Mr Corbyn's spokesman said: 'Motions of no confidence can happen more than once.' 

Mrs May lost the crucial vote on her Brexit deal by a staggering 230 votes tonight - the biggest defeat inflicted on a PM in over 100 years.  

The previous largest was 166 by the minority Labour government in 1924. 

She is now desperately scrambling to try to drum up support from Labour moderates for another tweaked version of her Brexit deal.

If she survives tonight's confidence vote to cling on as PM, then she will hold a series of meetings with MPs across the House to try to find a way forward.

But only three Labour MPs defied their party to vote with the PM on her Brexit plan tonight - John Mann, Ian Austin and Kevin Barron.

Seizing on the PM's defeat to try to push his new bid for power, Mr Corbyn told the Commons: 'I hear the words of the Prime Minister but the actions of her government in these past two years speak equally clearly.

'She is only attempting to reach out now, to try to keep her failed deal alive after it has been so roundly rejected by parliament on behalf of the people of this country.

'Labour had laid out our priorities consistently: no deal must be taken off the table, a permanent customs union must be secured and people's rights and protections must be guaranteed so they don't fall behind.

'At every turn the Prime Minister has closed the door on dialogue.

'Businesses begged her to negotiate a comprehensive customs union, trade union leaders pressed her for the same thing. They were ignored.

'In the last two years, she has only had one priority: the Conservative Party.

'Her governing principle of delay and denial has reached the end of the line.

How does the Brexit vote measure up to previous Commons showdowns  

166 - Labour goverment in 1924 

The largest government defeat in modern times occurred on October 8 1924, when the minority Labour government of Ramsay MacDonald lost a vote by 364 votes to 198.

The vote was on an amendment put forward by the Liberal Party to set up a select committee to investigate the Government's decision to drop criminal proceedings against JR Campbell, editor of the Communist newspaper Workers Weekly, which had recently published an article encouraging the armed forces to mutiny.

89 - Labour government in 1979 

On March 22 1979, in the last few weeks of the Labour government led by Jim Callaghan, MPs voted on a motion to annul the fees for a firearms certificate.

Although the numbers taking part were low, the Government lost by 115 to 26.

86 - Labour government in 1978

The largest post-war defeat where at least half of MPs took part. It happened on January 25 1978, when MPs voted by 204 to 118 on an opposition amendment to the Callaghan government's Scotland Devolution Bill.

The legislation had excluded Orkney and Shetland from the provisions of the Bill if they voted 'no' in a referendum.

'She cannot seriously believe that after two years of failure, she is capable of negotiating a good deal for the people of this country.

'On the most important issue facing us, this government has lost the confidence of this House and this country.' 

DUP leader Arlene Foster had some solace for Mrs May today as she confirmed that the confidence and supply deal with the Tories - which props them up in power - still holds. 

The commitment means there should be little chance of Labour winning a vote.  

Mr Corbyn had accused the Prime Minister of trying to 'blackmail' Labour MPs into supporting her Brexit deal. 

If the no-confidence motion passes – and a new government with the support of a majority of MPs cannot be formed within a fortnight – Parliament will be dissolved and an early election called.  

But the DUP - whose 10 MPs prop the Tories up in power - have vowed to back the PM.

And the Brexit-backing Tory group European Research group, which represents around 60 to 80 Tory MPs - have also pledged to support her.

It came as a poll showed Labour falling six points behind the Conservatives despite the Brexit chaos engulfing Mrs May's party.

In the YouGov poll for the Times Mr Corbyn's party plunged to 35 per cent, its lowest rating since mid December, while the Tories score 41 per cent. 

Mr Corbyn is believed to have held off on challenging the Government amid fears that failure to trigger a general election could lead to a second referendum.

Under Labour's Brexit plans, decided at its conference in September, the party's policy is to seek a general election first. If the party cannot secure one, Labour has promised to look at all options – including another referendum. 

Polling suggests that a large majority of Labour members want Mr Corbyn to actively back a so-called People's Vote.

But this would prompt a backlash from his pro-Brexit voters in the party's Northern heartlands. 

There were noisy protests outside of Parliament tonight as MPs inflicted the historic defeat on Mrs May

There were noisy protests outside of Parliament tonight as MPs inflicted the historic defeat on Mrs May

There were noisy protests outside of Parliament tonight as MPs inflicted the historic defeat on Mrs May
News Pictures Corbyn gets ready to strike: Labour leader calls a vote of no-confidence to topple May TONIGHT

You don’t have to pack away your bikini just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Hayden Panettiere
Size: 8
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 1in
Weight: 8st

To achieve her kick-ass figure, Hayden – who plays cheerleader Claire Bennet in Heroes – follows the ‘quartering’ rule. She eats only a quarter of the food on her plate, then waits 20 minutes before deciding whether she needs to eat again.

Hayden says: “I don’t have a model’s body, but I’m not one of those crazy girls who thinks that they’re fat. I’m OK with what I have.”

Nicollette says: “I don’t like diets – I see it, I eat it! I believe in eating healthily with lots of protein, vegetables and carbs to give you energy.”

kim cattrall

Size: 10-12
Age: 52
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 9st 4lb

SATC star Kim swears by gym sessions with Russian kettle bells (traditional cast-iron weights) and the South Beach Diet to give her the body she wants. To avoid overeating, Kim has a radical diet trick – squirting lemon juice on her leftovers – so she won’t carry on picking.

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

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