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среда, 16 января 2019 г.

New photo Corbyn demands May admit her 'zombie Government' has lost its right to run the country

A former Labour MP tonight branded Jeremy Corbyn 'unfit to lead the country' as he said he would not back the motion of no confidence in Theresa May.

John Woodwock said he would with a 'heavy heart' not vote to remove the Prime Minister in tonight's vote despite being a life-long opponent of the Tories.

Mr Woodcock quit Labour last year after accusing the party of mishandling a harassment complaint against him. He was a long-standing critic of Mr Corbyn who repeatedly vowed never to vote to make him Prime Minister.  

The move is a further blow to Mr Corbyn's slim hopes of pulling off a surprise win in tonight's vote and starting a 14-day countdown to a snap election.

Tory Brexiteer rebels have rallied around Mrs May just 24 hours after consigning her to a record-breaking drubbing over the Brexit deal last night.

Mr Corbyn launched his attempt to oust Mrs May with a vicious attack on her 'zombie government', claiming any other PM who lost their flagship policy by the margin seen last night would have resigned immediately. 

Shrugging off last night's 230-vote humiliation, Mrs May warned an election now would cause 'chaos' when Parliament should be delivering Brexit. 

Ex-Labour MP John Woodwock (pictured in the Commons tonight) said he would with a 'heavy heart' not vote to remove the Prime Minister in tonight's vote despite being a life-long opponent of the Tories

Ex-Labour MP John Woodwock (pictured in the Commons tonight) said he would with a 'heavy heart' not vote to remove the Prime Minister in tonight's vote despite being a life-long opponent of the Tories

Ex-Labour MP John Woodwock (pictured in the Commons tonight) said he would with a 'heavy heart' not vote to remove the Prime Minister in tonight's vote despite being a life-long opponent of the Tories

Mr Woodcock's move is a further blow to Jeremy Corbyn's (pictured this afternoon in the Commons) slim hopes of pulling off a surprise win in tonight's vote and starting a 14-day countdown to a snap election 

Mr Woodcock's move is a further blow to Jeremy Corbyn's (pictured this afternoon in the Commons) slim hopes of pulling off a surprise win in tonight's vote and starting a 14-day countdown to a snap election 

Mr Woodcock's move is a further blow to Jeremy Corbyn's (pictured this afternoon in the Commons) slim hopes of pulling off a surprise win in tonight's vote and starting a 14-day countdown to a snap election 

Tory Brexiteer rebels have rallied around Theresa May (pictured today defending her record) just 24 hours after consigning her to a record-breaking drubbing over the Brexit deal last night 

Tory Brexiteer rebels have rallied around Theresa May (pictured today defending her record) just 24 hours after consigning her to a record-breaking drubbing over the Brexit deal last night 

Tory Brexiteer rebels have rallied around Theresa May (pictured today defending her record) just 24 hours after consigning her to a record-breaking drubbing over the Brexit deal last night 

To win and keep power a Prime Minister must be able to win votes in the Commons. This is known as confidence. Winning Budget votes is known as supply.  

Historically, losing tonight's vote would have prompted the PM's immediate resignation. It last happened in 1979 when Labour's James Callaghan lost 311 to 310.

But under laws passed by the Tory Lib Dem coalition government, defeat tonight would instead start a 14-day countdown to a general election.

If Mrs May could return to the Commons and win a further vote the election would be stopped.

If Mr Corbyn could demonstrate he had the confidence of the House by assembling a new coalition, he could in theory replace Mrs May without an election. 

Referring to the nuclear deterrent, Mr Woodcock said: 'Do we really think that we would maintain a policy that will spend many billions of pounds on a future submarine system which the leader of the opposition will have rendered useless on day one by saying he would never ever use the deterrent? It is just not a serious proposition.

Why has Corbyn called a confidence vote and what does it mean?

What is a vote of no confidence?

To win and keep power, any Prime Minister has to be able to win votes in the House of Commons - this is known as 'confidence'. Where the Opposition believes this is no longer true, it can call a vote of no confidence to demonstrate it.

Why has Corbyn called one tonight? 

Theresa May lost her Brexit deal by a landslide 230 votes - the biggest margin ever recorded. Corbyn says this is proof she does not have the confidence of the House.

Why might he have delay? 

Corbyn has resisted demands for weeks to call a vote, insisting it will only happen when he is sure he will win. His backbenchers think it is also to avoid him having to back a new referendum on Brexit.  

When will the vote happen? 

The vote will be called at 7pm tonight.  

Will May lose? 

Probably not - this time. Labour and other opposition parties cannot win without help from Tory MPs. Some have suggested they might join a no confidence motion to prevent no deal Brexit but May is unlikely to back this after losing tonight's vote.

Labour can call another vote in future.  

What would losing mean? 

Historically, losing a no confidence vote would be a trigger for the Prime Minister to resign and call a general election. This last happened in 1979, bringing down James Callaghan 311-310 - paving the way for the election of Margaret Thatcher.

This is no longer true. Instead, it starts a 14-day countdown in which the Government must assemble a new coalition or the Opposition must demonstrate it can form a Government.

Failure would then mean an election.  

'So with a heavy heart I have to tell the House that I cannot support the no confidence motion tonight and some of my friends mutter disgrace, I hear some of them tutting.

'I have to say that many of them have privately said 'thank God that you have got the freedom to actually not support this', because they are wrestling with their consciences of wanting desperately a Labour Government knowing that the leader of their party is as unfit to lead the country as he was when they voted against him in the no confidence motion of the party those years ago.'

Rising to rare cheers from her side, Mrs May warned a general election would be 'the worst thing we could do'.

She said: 'It would deepen division when we need unity, it would bring chaos when we need certainty and it would bring delay when we need to move forward, so I believe this House should reject this motion.

'At this crucial moment in our nation's history a general election is simply not in the national interest. 

'Parliament decided to put the question of our membership of the European Union to the people, Parliament promised to abide by the result, Parliament invoked Article 50 to trigger the process and now Parliament must finish the job.'

The SNP's Commons leader Pete Wishart intervened to say: 'She's lost a quarter of her Cabinet, 170 members of her backbench want her gone, she's experienced the biggest defeat in parliamentary history, what shred of credibility has her Government got left? For goodness sake, Prime Minister won't you just go?' 

In a signal Mr Corbyn's manouevere has temporarily reunited the Tory party, Mrs May was backed by arch-Brexiteer Mark Francois.  

He said: 'It's not exactly a secret that on European policy she and I have not entirely seen eye to eye, and it is possible we will continue to disagree, but I am a Conservative first and last, and I know opportunism when I see it.

'So, can I tell her that when the bells ring, the whole of the ERG (European Research group of Conservative MPs) will walk through the lobbies with her to vote this nonsense down.' 

The Prime Minister said Mr Corbyn had 'betrayed' his own party as she launched a blistering attack on the Labour leader's record

The Prime Minister said Mr Corbyn had 'betrayed' his own party as she launched a blistering attack on the Labour leader's record

The Prime Minister said Mr Corbyn had 'betrayed' his own party as she launched a blistering attack on the Labour leader's record

In a signal Mr Corbyn's manouevere has temporarily reunited the Tory party, Mrs May was backed by arch-Brexiteer Mark Francois (pictured supporting the PM today) 

In a signal Mr Corbyn's manouevere has temporarily reunited the Tory party, Mrs May was backed by arch-Brexiteer Mark Francois (pictured supporting the PM today) 

In a signal Mr Corbyn's manouevere has temporarily reunited the Tory party, Mrs May was backed by arch-Brexiteer Mark Francois (pictured supporting the PM today) 

The PM thanked him and said she wanted to deliver on Brexit, not have 'the disruption, delay and expense of a fourth national poll in less than four years'.  

Opening the debate earlier, Mr Corbyn said: 'If this government cannot get its legislation through parliament it must go to the country for a new mandate.

'That must apply when it is the key issue of the day.

'By any convention of this House, by any precedence, loss of both confidence and supply should mean they do the right thing and resign.' 

He added: 'The Fixed Term Parliaments Act was never intended to prop up a zombie government.'

Mr Corbyn slammed the 'Frankenstein' Brexit plan - but refused to spell out whether he would campaign for Brexit if he gets the snap election he wants.

Mr Corbyn also said there has been no offer of all-party talks from Mrs May.

Conservative former minister George Freeman asked Mr Corbyn: 'When those cross-party talks start would he tell the House which of the Scarlet Pimpernel will come - the Leader of the Opposition who campaigns for Remain in London and the south east, or the Leader of the Opposition who campaigns for Brexit up North?'

Mr Corbyn replied: 'There has been no offer of all-party talks, there has been no communication on all-party talks - all the Prime Minister said was she might talk to some members of the House.

'That isn't reaching out, that isn't discussing it, that is not recognising the scale of the defeat they suffered last night.'

Conservative former minister Anna Soubry questioned why the Conservatives were six points ahead of Labour in a weekend opinion poll, adding: 'Could it be because he's the most hopeless Leader of the Opposition that we've ever had?'
News Pictures Corbyn demands May admit her 'zombie Government' has lost its right to run the country

You don’t have to pack away your bikini just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Hayden Panettiere
Size: 8
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 1in
Weight: 8st

To achieve her kick-ass figure, Hayden – who plays cheerleader Claire Bennet in Heroes – follows the ‘quartering’ rule. She eats only a quarter of the food on her plate, then waits 20 minutes before deciding whether she needs to eat again.

Hayden says: “I don’t have a model’s body, but I’m not one of those crazy girls who thinks that they’re fat. I’m OK with what I have.”

Nicollette says: “I don’t like diets – I see it, I eat it! I believe in eating healthily with lots of protein, vegetables and carbs to give you energy.”

kim cattrall

Size: 10-12
Age: 52
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 9st 4lb

SATC star Kim swears by gym sessions with Russian kettle bells (traditional cast-iron weights) and the South Beach Diet to give her the body she wants. To avoid overeating, Kim has a radical diet trick – squirting lemon juice on her leftovers – so she won’t carry on picking.

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

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