BLINK 182 drummer Travis Barker is “disgusted” after Echosmith star Graham Sierota, 20, allegedly sent “super creepy” messages to his 13-year-old daughter.
An upset Travis told The Blast “there’s nothing cool, normal or OK about it at all”.
His daughter, Alabama, showed her protective dad Instagram messages purportedly from the American indie pop band drummer.
Graham allegedly first messaged her several years ago – when she was 10 years old – saying, “I’m Graham from echosmith and I think ur beautiful.”
Then, last month, he apparently tried to reach out to the girl again, inviting her to a barbecue he was hosting at his house.
Alabama posted the story, showing screenshots of the messages accompanied by a caption saying: “Hey guys! So once again I am bringing this to your attention because I’m a 13 year old girl and he is 21/20 super creepy.”
On July 21, the teen responded, pointing out: “Ur like 40”.
Graham is alleged to have replied soon afterwards, writing: “I just wanted to say i really like your music and sorry for messaging and I’m 20.”
Alabama then said: “Ok but u understand I’m a child?”
A fuming Travis told The Blast: “When I found out a 20-year-old man was trying to get in touch with my 13-year-old daughter by filling her Instagram messages with party invites and compliments I was disgusted.
“That’s predatory behaviour and there is nothing cool, normal or OK about it at all.”
Graham said in response that he had not realised Alabama was a child, and said that he had unwittingly made a “careless mistake”.
In a statement to Just Jared, he added: “I had invited Alabama to my parents’ big family BBQ along with many other people, and it wasn’t until she responded that I realised her age, at which point I apologised to her.
“I’m really sorry and feel very badly about this.
“I didn’t realise she was a minor and assumed she was my age. I made a careless mistake and this is a big lesson for me.
“I would like to apologise again to Alabama, her dad Travis and her family.”
News Photo Blink 182’s Travis Barker ‘disgusted’ as he slams Echosmith star for sending ‘super creepy’ messages to his 13-year-old daughter
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