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суббота, 16 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Meghan Markle’s father Thomas is trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame — even if it means betraying his daughter’s confidence

IMAGINE being newly married, heavily pregnant with your first baby . . . and waking up each day to see snipers and critics on social media publicly attacking and criticising you. Why? Because your own father has betrayed you, bad-mouthing you to the world.

It sounds like a bad plot line or an anxiety dream, right? But that is the Duchess of Sussex’s daily reality at the moment.

People liked Meghan at first but now many seem to have decided she’s getting too big for her boots, writes Karren Brady
Splash News

Apparently, Thomas Markle wasn’t planning to make Meghan’s private letter public — in which, ironically, she begged her father to stop exploiting her marriage and her relationship with her husband.

But she drove him to it. Yes, it’s Meghan’s fault that HE chose to do this — or at least that’s what he is trying to convince us.

The trigger was that five close friends of Meghan’s gave anonymous interviews to an American celebrity magazine claiming to “put the record straight” over the Duchess’s relationship with her father.

In these interviews they mentioned that Meghan had been so upset by her father’s public attacks on her and her new husband that she wrote him an anguished letter begging him to patch up their differences privately.

Thomas Markle, 74, who lives in Mexico, said he never intended to make public this handwritten letter (which he referred to as a “dagger to the heart”) “out of respect for Meghan”.

But he now claims he has been forced to do so and in the process, I guess it can be concluded, to ­happily disrespect Meghan.

Let me just pause here to highlight the irony in the difference between their approaches.

This man’s daughter writes PRIVATELY to him begging him to stop giving interviews, fabricating stories, attacking her new husband and siding with his other daughter Samantha, the half-sister Meghan barely knows, who has publicly attacked her.

His response? To publish her private letter!

This man is Meghan’s father. His job is to protect his daughter and look after her. It’s shocking. Meghan’s letter was compelling but excruciating – so personal it felt like reading someone’s diary.

Who could ever forgive a father who has acted in this way?
James Breeden - The Sun

I’ve written before about my respect for Meghan. I don’t know her but in her public life she has shown herself to be passionate about education, women’s rights and the arts. She is a positive person doing positive things.

The accusation from many is that Meghan has chosen fame at the expense of her family. And, because she’s not allowed to speak publicly, her friends have spoken on her behalf to defend her.

That includes George Clooney by the way, who also spoke up this week in Meghan’s defence. His point was that people’s treatment of her reminded him of the way Diana was treated — and “we all know how that turned out”.

Many people think he has gone over the top, but to my mind he is not widely off the mark. It is a uniquely British trait that when we think people are “getting above their station” we turn on them and try to take them down.


Meghan is gorgeous, happy, ­married to a prince, and pregnant. People liked her at first but now many seem to have decided she’s getting too big for her boots.

Suddenly trolls are queuing up to criticise her about everything from the way she cradles her baby bump to her attempt to send positive messages to sex workers by writing on bananas.

Some are suggesting that Meghan organised the interviews that her friends did. Who knows if that is true or not, but even if she did, why the hell shouldn’t she? What is she supposed to do in the face of all of these destructive accusations? Take them on the chin?

Others are saying Meghan is to blame for the way her family are treating her; that she is attention-seeking, keen to portray herself as a victim. But let’s be clear, her father is the one who has made her letters public. And her half-sister is writing a book about “princess pushy”, which is just vile.

Frankly, it’s hard to see how their relationship will recover from this. Who could ever forgive a father who has acted in this way. And, in the meantime, why aren’t we vilifying him instead of her?

He’s the one addicted to fame — and trying to extend his 15 minutes by any means he can — even if it means betraying his daughter. Which, to my mind, is unacceptable. And unforgivable.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle and her father Thomas in happier times before private letters were ‘leaked to the press’
James Breeden - The Sun

Anti-vax lot really needle me

I WAS so impressed to read about Ethan Lindenberger. This teenager from Ohio took it upon himself to get the vaccinations he should have had as a child – but didn’t because his parents belong to the anti-vax movement.

In my view, the anti-vax brigade are nutters
Getty - Contributor

He’s now had shots to immunise himself against six diseases, including mumps and hepatitis.

His parents refused to give them to him because they believe they cause illnesses such as autism, a theory that has been comprehensively discredited for years.

In my view, the anti-vax brigade are nutters. If there’s a vaccine to prevent your child from getting a potentially life-threatening illness, then why on earth wouldn’t you let them have it?

But also, it’s not just your child – other people’s children are at risk too, so it’s a deeply selfish decision. My kids had every injection going.

Luckily, Ethan took matters into his own hands when he turned 18 because he came to the conclusion that the overwhelming scientific evidence is that vaccinations are safe.

His mother, Jill Wheeler, described his decision as a “slap in the face”. But all I see is an impressive young man who spent time researching and finding out for himself before deciding what HE wanted to do.

If he was my child I would be very proud – even if his opinions differed to mine. Something tells me, though, that these parents might not feel that way.

He’s a pig, not her

I HAVE nothing but respect for Stephanie Yeboah, a young woman who describes herself as “plus size”.

Stephanie, if you are reading this, please believe that not all men are like that

She had the courage to write about her recent discovery that a guy she dated had only gone out with her as a dare, part of a so-called “pull a pig” prank.

Gosh, what a complete b*****d. HE is the one who comes off badly as a result of her brave decision to speak out. This is something so horrible that if it happened to most of us, we would be crawling under the duvet and staying there.

But the worst part of the story for me is that Stephanie says that as a result of her experience, she can never trust men again and dating is not for her.

Stephanie, if you are reading this, please believe that not all men are like that.

One rotten apple does not mean you won’t meet a gorgeous, respectful man who is worthy of you.

Being 50 is no J-Low

NOT so long ago, turning 40 was something to dread – the beginning of the end, certainly for women. And 50? Well, forget about it.

Jennifer Lopez is a brilliant role model for us all
Getty - Contributor

So let’s give thanks for how much times have changed. This year both J-Lo and Jennifer Aniston (J-An?) – two inspiring, successful and downright bloody gorgeous women – turn 50.

To look at them you would think the most exciting chapter of their lives is just beginning.

What brilliant role models for us all.

Open up Moors secrets

IT beggars belief, doesn’t it, that police have been denied access to two briefcases belonging to the Moors murderer Ian Brady – even though they could potentially reveal the whereabouts of 12-year-old victim Keith Bennett?

Police have been denied access to Ian Brady’s paperwork
PA:Press Association

Brady requested his locked cases be taken from his room at Ashworth Hospital in Merseyside and put into storage in the hours before he died in May 2017.

But police were refused a search warrant because both he and Myra Hindley are dead (so there’s no chance of prosecution).

And Robin Makin, Brady’s solicitor of 25 years, who also controls his will, has refused to let policemen inspect Brady’s paperwork.

Yes, he is upholding the law and the wishes of his client. But surely this is one situation where an exception needs to be made?

Smooth and miserable

BEAUTY newsflash hot off the press . . . for anybody out there who wants to avoid wrinkles.

Kim Kardashian says she tries not to smile in order to prevent wrinkles
Getty Images - Getty

All you have to do is stop smiling.

At least, that is the advice given by Kim Kardashian.

Er, thanks Kim, but I think I’d prefer to be wrinkly and happy than smooth and miserable.

Swerve this evil

WHAT has happened to our society that children as young as THREE are being treated in hospital after taking spice?

We need to concentrate on drug prevention

This country has got a serious drug problem. People on spice walking around like zombies is becoming the norm in many towns.

The big question is: Why are so many people taking drugs in the first place?

Addicts don’t take drugs because they want to but because they have to. And it doesn’t take long for addiction to start ruining lives.

But obviously, if you never start taking drugs then you don’t have to try to stop.

Without being too simplistic about it, I guess more support is needed to prevent people from starting on this painful spiral.

We need to concentrate more on prevention – and give people more of a reason to think life is worth living without drugs.

News Photo Meghan Markle’s father Thomas is trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame — even if it means betraying his daughter’s confidence
You don’t have to pack away your dress just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

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