Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Connecticut:
21. How frequently do you communicate with Judge Kozinski? If the frequency of your communications has changed over time, please provide estimates for different time periods.
a. At least 15 women have accused Judge Kozinski of sexual harassment. Do you believe that Judge Kozinski treated women inappropriately?
b. During the entire course of your relationship with Judge Kozinski, did you ever witness him engaging in inappropriate behavior? Please explain any such incident(s).
c. Did you ever see Judge Kozinski mistreat a law clerk or law clerk candidate? Please explain any such incident(s).
d. Did Judge Kozinski ever use demeaning language when discussing women?
e. Did anyone ever raise concerns with you about Judge Kozinski's behavior? Who? When?
f. Did your clerkship spot with Judge Kozinski become available when another student resigned or was fired from his clerkship with Judge Kozinski? If so, please explain your understanding of the circumstances around the former clerk's departure.
g. It has been reported that Judge Kozinski had a sexually explicit email list, called the Easy Rider Gag List. Did you ever receive an email from this list? If it is necessary to refresh your recollection, please review your email accounts before answering this question.
h. Have you conducted a search of your email accounts and/or correspondence with Judge Kozinski in an effort to provide an accurate response to the preceding question? If not, why not?
i. Judge Kozinski also had a personal website with explicit postings. When did you first become aware of Judge Kozinski's personal website?
j. At any time, did you provide information related to an inquiry regarding Judge Kozinski's behavior?
23. President Trump published an initial list of names from which he would select future Supreme Court nominees in May 2016. You were not on that initial list. Between that time and November 2017, when you were added to the list, what actions, if any, did you take to have your name added?
a. Did you speak to anybody about being added to the list? If yes, please list with whom you spoke and what you discussed.
b. Did you agree to give any speeches in order to be added to the list?
c. Did you select the subject matter of your speeches in order to be added to the list?
d. Did the possibility of being added to the list impact your decisions in any cases before you?
29. In my office, we spoke about how important it is for the President of the United States to be truthful in everything he says.
a. Please explain why it is so important for the President to be truthful.
b. Does President Trump tell the truth?
c. Has President Trump made any statements that you would condemn?
32. During your hearing, Sen. Whitehouse asked you if the President must comply with a grand jury subpoena.
a. Does the President have to comply with a grand jury subpoena?
Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island
12. On your 2015 Financial Disclosure Report dated May 13, 2016, you reported between $15,001 - $80,000 in debt accrued over two credit cards (Chase, Bank of America), and one loan (Thrift Savings Plan). On your 2016 Financial Disclosure Report dated May 5, 2017, you reported having between $60,004 and $200,000 in debt accrued over three credit cards (Chase, Bank of America, USSA) and a loan (Thrift Savings Plan). White House Spokesman Raj Shah told the Washington Post that you 'built up the debt by buying Washington Nationals season tickets for playoff games for [yourself] and a 'handful' of friends.' Shah said some of the debts were also for home improvements.
a. What was the total dollar amount of your liabilities in 2015 and 2016, respectively?
b. What explains the meaningful increase in your liabilities between 2015 and 2016?
c. Was Mr. Shah's characterization of the sources of your debt wholly accurate? If not, please correct any inaccuracies or omissions.
d. Did you tell the White House that you built up the debt by buying Washington Nationals season tickets for playoff games for yourself and a 'handful' of friends?
e. For how many seasons have you purchased Washington Nationals season tickets? How many tickets did you purchase each year? What was the overall cost and cost per ticket?
g. Please identify the individuals for whom you purchased baseball tickets.
h. For each individual listed in the previous question, what financial arrangement, if any, was agreed to with respect to your purchase and their reimbursement of the cost of the baseball tickets?
i. Did you purchase any baseball tickets for friends in lieu of paying them back for personal debts? If yes, please specify the source and amount of each debt.
j. For each of 2015 and 2016, what percentage of your credit card debt would you attribute to home improvements? Please also explain what home improvements were undertaken and when.
k. For each of 2015 and 2016, what percentage of the credit card and TSP debt would you attribute to the purchase of baseball tickets?
l. Besides baseball season tickets and home improvements, did you have any other sources of personal or household debt from 2015 through 2018? If so, please specify.
m. Did you have any creditors, private or otherwise, not listed in your Financial Disclosure Reports?
18. In 2006, you purchased your primary residence in Chevy Chase, MD for $1,225,000, however, the value of assets reportedly maintained in your 'Bank of America Accounts' in the years before, during, and after this purchase never decreased, indicating that funds used to pay the down payment and secure this home did not come from these accounts.
a. Did you receive financial assistance in order to purchase this home? And if so, was the assistance provided in the form of a gift or a personal loan?
b. If you received financial assistance, please provide details surrounding how this assistance was provided, including the amount(s) of the assistance, date(s) on which the assistance was provided, and the individual(s) who provided this assistance.
c. Was this financial assistance disclosed on your income tax returns, financial disclosure forms, or any other reporting document?
19. You have disclosed in your responses to the Senate Judiciary Questionnaire that you are currently a member of the Chevy Chase Club. It has been reported that the initiation fee to join this club is $92,000 and annual dues total more than $9,000.
a. How much was the initiation fee required for you to join the Chevy Chase Club? What are the annual dues to maintain membership and is this the amount that you pay?
b. Did you receive any financial assistance or beneficial reduction in the rate to pay the initiation or annual fees? If so, please describe the circumstances.
c. If you received financial assistance, please disclose the amount of the assistance, the terms, the dates the assistance was provided, and the individual(s) or entity that provided the assistance.
d. To the extent such assistance or rate reduction could be deemed a 'gift,' was it reflected on your income tax returns, financial disclosure forms, or any other reporting document?
21. Have you ever received a Form W-2G reporting gambling earnings? If so, please list dates and amounts.
22. Have you ever reported a gambling loss to the IRS? If so, please list the dates and amounts.
23. Bill Burck produced to the committee a document from your tenure in the White House Counsel's Office that references a 'game of dice.' After a reunion with friends in September 2001, you emailed: 'Apologies to all for missing Friday (good excuse), and growing aggressive after blowing still another game of dice (don't recall). Reminders to everyone to be very, very vigilant w/r/t confidentiality on all issues and all fronts, including with spouses.'
a. Since 2000, have you participated in any form of gambling or game of chance or skill with monetary stakes, including but not limited to poker, dice, golf, sports betting, blackjack, and craps? If yes, please list the dates, participants, location/venue, and amounts won/lost.
b. Do you play in a regular or periodic poker game? If yes, please list the dates, participants, location/venue, and amounts won/lost.
c. Have you ever gambled or accrued gambling debt in the State of New Jersey?
d. Have you ever had debt discharged by a creditor for losses incurred in the State of New Jersey?
e. Have you ever sought treatment for a gambling addiction?
f. In the email quoted above, please explain what 'issues' and 'fronts' you wanted your friends to be 'very, very vigilant' about 'w/r/t/ confidentiality, including with spouses.'
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