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четверг, 15 ноября 2018 г.

New photo I had sex with girl I met online, 16, and she is now blackmailing me for money

DEAR DEIDRE: I HAD sex with a girl I met on a chat site. She looks like a film star but really she is just 16 and is blackmailing me.

I’m 19 and I work in a DIY superstore. It’s my first proper job and I love it. I’m still learning the ropes but getting on great.

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I had sex with a girl I met online, 16, and now she’s blackmailing me[/caption]

Life was OK except for the fact I’ve never had a real girlfriend and never had sex. I’m very shy and went through my school life hardly speaking to girls.

So I went on this chat site and soon I was chatting to lots of girls. It was fun and it gave me the feeling I was a regular guy.

One girl was very keen. She swapped photos with me and she said I looked cute.

I chatted to her for a couple of weeks, then she wanted to meet.

It was my first time and she took control – starting with oral then moving on
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We went for a drink and we got on quite well. She was dressed up all sexy. I asked her if I could kiss her and she said yes.

She told me she knew a place we could go. It was the back of some shop in the town and for some reason she had a key. At first we just kissed but then she took control. She started with oral and then we had sex.

If I’m honest it wasn’t that great. She then shocked the life out of me by saying that she’s just 16 and always charges for sex.

I said no way. But she threatened to go to the store where I work and tell all my colleagues about what I’d done.

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I’ve already paid her £200 — £150 for the sex and £50 for not telling anyone[/caption]

I’d stupidly told her where I work when we were chatting online. It would be so embarrassing. I didn’t have money on me at the time so she said she would meet me again to have sex and I could then pay for both times.

We’ve now met twice more and I’ve paid her £200 — that’s £150 for the sex and £50 for not telling anyone. I’m so stressed and I don’t know what to do.


LOSS of sex drive affects around one in five men and up to 50 per cent of women at some point.

My e-leaflet on Reviving Sex Drive contains tips on how to remedy it.

For a copy email or private message me on my DearDeidreOfficial Facebook page.

DEIDRE SAYS: No wonder you are stressed and you certainly can’t let this carry on.

Tell this girl that blackmail is against the law while having sex with a consenting 16-year-old isn’t.

Block her on your phone and on social media.

But take screen shots of any messages she sent which make clear she’s blackmailing you. Then have nothing more to do with her.

I doubt she’ll talk to your colleagues. If she did I doubt they would much care.

You could live down any embarrassment. But to be on the safe side, have a check-up at a sexual health clinic, even if you have no symptoms.

When you next meet a girl, take things slowly and don’t rush to have sex.

If you are still worried, get in touch with The Mix (, 0808 808 4994).

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Get in touch with Deidre today

Got a problem? Send an email to Every problem gets a personal reply, usually within 24 hours weekdays.

You can also send a private message on the DearDeidreOfficial Facebook page.

Follow me on Twitter @deardeidre.

News Pictures I had sex with girl I met online, 16, and she is now blackmailing me for money

You don’t have to pack away your bikini just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Hayden Panettiere
Size: 8
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 1in
Weight: 8st

To achieve her kick-ass figure, Hayden – who plays cheerleader Claire Bennet in Heroes – follows the ‘quartering’ rule. She eats only a quarter of the food on her plate, then waits 20 minutes before deciding whether she needs to eat again.

Hayden says: “I don’t have a model’s body, but I’m not one of those crazy girls who thinks that they’re fat. I’m OK with what I have.”

Nicollette says: “I don’t like diets – I see it, I eat it! I believe in eating healthily with lots of protein, vegetables and carbs to give you energy.”

kim cattrall

Size: 10-12
Age: 52
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 9st 4lb

SATC star Kim swears by gym sessions with Russian kettle bells (traditional cast-iron weights) and the South Beach Diet to give her the body she wants. To avoid overeating, Kim has a radical diet trick – squirting lemon juice on her leftovers – so she won’t carry on picking.

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

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