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понедельник, 18 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Will Rhona Goskirk die in Emmerdale and is Pete Barton responsible?

RHONA Goskirk will be involved in a horrific accident in Emmerdale this week as Pete Barton crashes a tractor into a barn she’s working in.

But will she die? And is it Pete’s fault? Here’s the lowdown…

Rhona gets knocked over when Pete Barton crashes a tractor into a barn she is working in

Will Rhona Goskirk die in Emmerdale?

It’s not yet known if Rhona will survive the horrific accident in Emmerdale – all we know is that her life will be left hanging in the balance after she’s hit by a tractor driven by her boyfriend, Pete Barton.

And the worst thing is, Rhona wasn’t even meant to be in that place at that time.

The couple were planning a duvet day together but Rhona decided to help out her friend Vanessa Woodfield who needed her shift covered at the vet’s surgery.

With Rhona out at work Pete will also head to his job at Butlers Farm.

When Pete gets to work his cousin Matty is busy moaning about stepdad Cain Dingle and forgets to pass on Cain’s message about one of the tractors being dodgy.

Meanwhile Rhona also arrives at Butlers to check the cows, but when she can’t find them, she calls Pete from the barn.

But tragedy strikes when the brakes on the tractor fail and Pete swerves it into the barn, crashing through the wall and knocking Rhona to the ground where her life hangs in the balance.

Is Rhona’s accident Pete’s fault?

It’s more of a series of unfortunate events rather than Pete being solely at fault.

It probably doesn’t help that he’s hungover while driving the tractor and – as we all know – it’s not usually a good idea to drive the morning after a heavy night on the booze.

But it’s Matty Barton who fails to warn Pete about the dodgy vehicle because he’s too wrapped up in how angry he is at Cain Dingle to pass the message on.

Pete’s then distracted by his phone ringing, which is Rhona trying to find out where the cows she’s supposed to be checking are.

He’s horrified when the brakes fail and he goes crashing into the barn and panics when he realises he’s hit Rhona and she’s very seriously injured.

News Photo Will Rhona Goskirk die in Emmerdale and is Pete Barton responsible?
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