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воскресенье, 17 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - We must continue preparing for a managed No Deal clean break from the EU – we have nothing to fear

No weaselling

THERESA May MUST secure legally watertight concessions on the backstop if she hopes to get her deal through.

If the Government try to pull the wool over the public’s eyes with wishy-washy words from Brussels negotiators, there will be hell to pay.

There will be hell to pay if the Government try to pull the wool over the public’s eyes with wishy-washy words from Brussels negotiators
Getty - Contributor

Jeremy Wright yesterday seemed to suggest the Government would be happy with an IOU and a handshake — but if he thinks MPs or voters will be fooled, he’s deluded.

We have said that those who believe in Brexit should, if the PM secures legitimate changes to the backstop, back her deal to ensure we leave on March 29.

But if those cast-iron concessions aren’t forthcoming, we must continue preparing for a managed clean break from the EU. We have nothing to fear.

This weekend we saw the apocalyptic scenarios dreamed up by Remainers, of grounded planes and massive tailbacks on our roads, are straight-up rubbish.

Theresa May can only expect to get her deal through if she secures watertight concessions on the Irish backstop

There is plenty of Brexit fatigue but it’s worth remembering that — deal or no deal — we have a bright future ahead.

Bride and fume

WE have no sympathy for jihadi bride Shamima Begum.

Shamima  has yet to convince us that she isn’t a threat to the UK
PA:Press Association/PA Images

She has shown no remorse, offered no apology, and seems to be totally unfazed by Islamic State’s barbarity.

Her brass neck is staggering, and it’s equally astounding she thinks she deserves a shred of pity from the British people.

She has yet to convince us that she isn’t a threat to the UK.

The Government must look at every legal avenue to ensure that she never sets foot in the UK again.


THE Speaker John Bercow has allowed a bullying culture to grow unchecked in the Houses of Parliament.

Remain MPs have turned a blind eye to Bercow’s incompetence because they believe he can help wreck Brexit.

It now seems his handpicked Serjeant At Arms is one of the worst offenders. Will the Speaker take responsibility? Or just carry on, shameless as ever?

The other group of people who should be held accountable, of course, are the Remain MPs who turn a blind eye to Bercow’s incompetence because they believe he can help wreck Brexit.

They should hang their heads in shame.

Game theory

IT’S a sign of the times that kids are more likely to hurt themselves on their Xbox than by exploring the great outdoors.

Education Secretary Damian Hinds is one of many calling for kids to spend more time away from their screens.

We heartily back his call — and schools and parents alike should listen.

We reckon climbing trees is a lot more character-building than playing Fortnite.

News Photo We must continue preparing for a managed No Deal clean break from the EU – we have nothing to fear
You don’t have to pack away your dress just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

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