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четверг, 21 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - My stepson is treated so badly by his mum and I don’t know what to do

DEAR DEIDRE: MY stepson is repeatedly let down by his mum.

I have been with my partner for six years and his nine-year-old boy has virtually lived with us.

My stepson is treated badly by his mum who is an alcoholic and can be violent
Getty - Contributor
My stepson is treated badly by his mum who is an alcoholic and can be violent[/caption]

I am 35 and my boyfriend is 36. His ex is an alcoholic. My stepson has seen her be violent and he’s moved house constantly.

When he was in the school concert she made a big deal of knowing when it was, but still did not turn up.

It is his birthday soon and I just know his mum is going to pop up and demand to have him over to stay  – and I don’t know how to handle it.

DEIDRE SAYS: Your poor stepson. It is great you’re on his side but he needs his dad to give him lots of one-to-one time and stand up for his best interests with his mum.

You can all find support through Nacoa, the National Association for the Children of Alcoholics ( uk, 0800 358 3456).

A book like “I Wish Daddy Didn’t Drink So Much” by Judith Vigna can reassure him he isn’t the only child with a problem parent.

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News Photo My stepson is treated so badly by his mum and I don’t know what to do
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