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воскресенье, 17 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - MH370 co-pilot was ‘only person alive as jet flew for hours as a GHOST PLANE’, sleuth claims

THE co-pilot of flight MH370 may have been the only person alive on the ‘ghost plane’ in the hours before it crashed into the sea, an expert has claimed.

Aviation writer Christine Negroni believes the doomed jet may have suddenly depressurised during its final deadly flight from Malaysia to China.

It’s been claimed co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid (right) was left in control of the plane by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah

And she believes the Boeing 777-200’s captain – Zaharie Ahmad Shah – may have been on a break at the time leaving Fariq Abdul Hamid at the controls.

The author suspects Fariq failed to stop the plane’s final descent after suffering from hypoxia – when the brain is starved of oxygen.

However because he was the only one in the cockpit, Negroni believes he lived longer than the rest of those on board- leaving the plane to fly under its own steam.

The author of ‘The Crash Detectives: Investigating the World’s Most Mysterious Air Disasters’, told the Daily Star Online: “The plane starts heading south. Whatever that time period is, that’s the period of time I believe he went unconscious.

“The oxygen available for the passengers was about 15 minutes, so the passengers were all dead, there’s no chance they were resuscitated, they were dead long before that plane hit the water.”


Last week, an air crash investigator has said the Malaysian Airline fligh was crashed deliberately in a “murder-suicide” and he could prove it.

Canadian aviation expert Larry Vance said he was “certain” either captain Shah or his co-pilot took over the plane in what he said was “criminal event” and “made it disappear forever”.

Mystery has surrounded the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014 when the plane simply vanished with 239 passengers and crew on board and has not been found.

Vance, who previously worked for the Transportation Safety Board of Canada, told CBC News: “It’s not an accident. This was planned and conducted, carried out by one individual who had control of the aeroplane via his job to have control of the plane.”

He claimed that the pilot or co-pilot made the decision “to take it to a remote part of the ocean and make it disappear forever”.


Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur and was heading to Beijing with 239 people on board.

Passengers included Chinese calligraphers, a couple on their way home to their young sons after a long-delayed honeymoon and a construction worker who hadn’t been home in a year.

But at 12.14am on March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines lost contact with MH370 close to Phuket island in the Strait of Malacca.

Before that, Malaysian authorities believe the last words heard from the plane, from either the pilot or co-pilot, was “Good night Malaysian three seven zero”.

Satellite “pings” from the aircraft suggest it continued flying for around seven hours when the fuel would have run out.

Experts have calculated the most likely crash site around 1,000 miles west of Perth, Australia.

But a huge search of the seabed failed to find any wreckage – and there are a number of alternative theories as to its fate.

Vance spent 18 months doing research for his book MH370 Mystery Solved, but he was not part of the official investigation by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Vance’s theory has not been accepted by everyone.

Former head of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau Martin Dolan said on 60 Minutes: “The evidence is not yet sufficient to draw as firm a conclusion as you appear to have done.”

He said there were two possible theories – that someone was in control of the plane or not – and that “there’s evidence that supports both of those theories”.

Dolan added: “The evidence is not yet sufficient to draw as firm a conclusion as you appear to have done.”

Parts of the flight that have been found were shown to the media
AFP or licensors
French investigators have blasted a Malaysian report into the disappearance of MH370. The jet is widely believed to have manually re-routed before it disappeared
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur and was heading to Beijing with 239 people on board
The plane was lost with 239 people on board. File picture
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing on March 8, 2014, with 239 passengers and crew on board (stock image)
Officers carrying a flaperon from an aircraft apparently washed ashore in Saint-Andre de la Reunion, eastern La Reunion island, France, in 2015

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News Photo MH370 co-pilot was ‘only person alive as jet flew for hours as a GHOST PLANE’, sleuth claims
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