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суббота, 9 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - I’m getting fed up with my girlfriend telling me I can’t peek at naughty pictures

DEAR DEIDRE: IF I watch anything naughty online, my girlfriend hates it. She even gets upset about images of women on Instagram which, in my opinion, are fairly harmless.

I am 45, she is 42 and we have been together for three years.

Getty - Contributor
I tell my girlfriend that every man does it, but she acts as though I’m cheating on her[/caption]

She gets upset if I stay out late, even if I warn her beforehand. She accuses me of sleeping with any woman I say hello to.

She won’t allow me to have single female friends and she recently installed an app on my phone to monitor my online activity.

I am an open-minded, highly sexed man and have had enough.

It is getting harder and harder to put up with it.

DEIDRE SAYS: It is difficult for me to tell whether your girlfriend really is insecure or whether you are expecting to be able to carry on flirting and using porn as if you had no partner.

Have a serious talk with her and see if you two can agree what is reasonable and what isn’t.

You shouldn’t expect to behave in any way you wouldn’t like her to. My e-leaflet on Dealing With Jealousy will help.

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News Photo I’m getting fed up with my girlfriend telling me I can’t peek at naughty pictures
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