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вторник, 5 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Theresa May will secure new deal with Brussels but if the Tories reject it the Remainers will kill Brexit

THERESA May will, we believe, secure a new deal from Brussels which MPs can back. But only if Remainers don’t derail Brexit entirely next week. It must not happen.

The EU seems to be urging Ireland to soften up over the hated backstop. Chief Eurocrat Martin Selmayr reportedly suggests a legally binding assurance that it won’t shackle Britain for ever.

The Prime Minister could arrange a new deal with Brussles in her up-coming meeting[/caption]

Angela Merkel says there’s still time. The DUP’s Arlene Foster tells everyone to compromise. Mrs May is working on options. It all points in the right direction.

Which makes it even more likely desperate Remainers will launch another Brexit-destroying bid next Thursday, thinly disguised as a “postponement”.

It MUST be defeated, as it was last week. If not, the revived negotiation is over. Brussels will sit back, relax and watch Brexit unravel.

And Leave voters will never forgive the mainly Labour MPs who sabotage it.

But Tory Brexiteers must face reality. If any eventual Brussels concession is legally watertight, they must swallow it.

They, and much of the public, would rather leave without a deal, of course. We sympathise. But they are outnumbered. The Commons’ Remainer majority will do anything to avoid No Deal.

If Tories reject an improved agreement, they will hand Remainers the power to kill Brexit. And they will all deserve the blame.

Border betrayal

PA:Press Association
Labour’s Brexit speaker is calling for free movement on the Irish border[/caption]

NOT content with backing Brexit-blocking motions, Labour’s Keir Starmer now wants to keep free movement.

The party’s Brexit spokesman is a ­diehard Remoaner who dreams of reversing the referendum result.

He now suggests letting any EU migrant enter if they have a job no Brit wants. Which sounds sensible enough. Except it encourages firms which have profited from cheap EU labour for years to offer rock-bottom pay they know Brits won’t take but migrants will.

It’s free movement by another name. A backdoor betrayal of one of the central Brexit demands, control of our borders.

Leavers are deserting Labour. Corbyn could do worse than sack his Brexit chief.

Tech action

Getty - Contributor
The Tory party need to get their heads out of the ‘Brexit sand’ and face up to problems with social media companies[/caption]

IF the Government is serious about finally hammering the social media giants whose negligence costs kids’ lives, then great.

But all we see is a Tory Party carping endlessly about the web firms but swallowing their excuses while paralysed by Brexit woes.

If it takes massive, punitive fines based on a percentage of turnover to eradicate the vile content which triggers suicides and much else, let’s do it.

If a few tech executives need to be arrested before they finally grasp their responsibilities as publishers, fine.

The Government must stop talking and start acting.

News Photo Theresa May will secure new deal with Brussels but if the Tories reject it the Remainers will kill Brexit
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