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суббота, 16 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - No Deal Brexit would be far smoother than Project Fear scaremongers would have us believe

PROJECT Fear scaremongers have long been warning that Britain faces complete chaos under a No Deal Brexit.

Under their apocalyptic scenario, planes would be grounded and lorries barred from the continent, resulting in dire shortages of food and medicine.

Getty - Contributor
Irish PM Leo Varadkar said he would ban British jets from flying over Irish airspace in the event of a No Deal[/caption]

Irish PM Leo Varadkar even said he would ban British jets from flying over Irish airspace in the event of a No Deal.

But key documents quietly slipped out by the EU chiefs have debunked these hysterical predictions as the nonsense they always were.

They show scheduled flights and normal road traffic should be uninterrupted even if this country leaves without an agreement, as long as the UK returns the favour.

So in contrast to Remoaner propaganda, a No Deal Brexit would actually be far smoother than the doom-merchants would have us believe.

And Brexiteers who argued EU chiefs would ultimately act in their own self-interests by minimising disruption are proved right.

These crucial preparations have only been taken seriously in Brussels because the prospect of a No Deal has become increasingly realistic.

So the idea of taking No Deal off the table, as many MPs are demanding, would be madness.

It is precisely the fear of such a scenario that is forcing the Eurocrats to take our negotiations seriously.

Getty Images - Getty
EU chiefs released a key document that showed scheduled flights and normal road traffic would remain unintteruped even if the country leaves without an agreement[/caption]

EU facing reality as No Deal an option

SAJID JAVID is spot on when he says Britain must do everything to prevent ISIS terrorist supporters returning to this country.

The apologists calling for ISIS bride Shamima Begum to be whisked back behave as if they have the moral high ground.

AFP or licensors
Sajid said that ‘those who left Britain to join terrorists in Syria were full of hate for our country’[/caption]

This is the same group who called terrorist butcher Jihadi John a “beautiful man.’’

As the Home Secretary says: “Those who left Britain to join terrorists in Syria were full of hate for our country.’’

We should show them equal contempt. And keep them all out.

Corbyn’s lost his core

THE failure of Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies to shake off accusations of anti-Semitism has already seriously damaged Labour.

On this page former Shadow Minister Michael Dugher reveals he is so sick of the reluctance to root out anti-Jewish bigotry he is quitting after nearly 30 years.

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Jeremy Corbyn has failed to shake off accusations of anti-Semitism[/caption]

He says he no longer recognises the proud anti-racist party he joined.

If anyone still doubts how far Labour has drifted from its core support under his lame leadership, they need look no further.

News Photo No Deal Brexit would be far smoother than Project Fear scaremongers would have us believe
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