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понедельник, 4 февраля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Neighbour tells of hearing a terrified woman's scream at the time Libby went missing

'Struggling to walk': Missing student Libby Squire

A neighbour told yesterday how she heard a terrified woman screaming around the time missing university student Libby Squire was last seen.

The mother of two said the screams were ‘loud and urgent’ and sounded ‘like a woman was being attacked’.

The development came as Miss Squire’s worried parents made a desperate public plea for information. Her tearful mother Lisa recorded a video message for her daughter, saying: ‘I miss you so much. It is breaking my heart not knowing where you are.’ 

Humberside Police say they are keeping an ‘open mind as to the circumstances surrounding Libby’s disappearance’, although it officially remains a missing person inquiry.

The neighbour said the 'blood-curdling screams' she heard shortly after Libby went missing were so disturbing she sat up in bed and said 'oh my God', the Sun reported. 

A specialist police marine team searched a waterway close to the 21-year-old philosophy student’s digs in Hull. They used paddles to break the remaining surface ice and carefully scoured Barmston Drain without success. A nearby pond was also searched.

Miss Squire has not been seen since Thursday night when she was so drunk she was ‘mumbling and struggling to walk’.

After being refused entry into a nightclub in Hull, she got into a taxi alone and arrived home in Wellesley Avenue at 11.29pm, although she did not go inside. She was captured on CCTV at 11.40pm sitting on a bench at the side of a busy main road a short walk away. A motorist stopped to offer help.

Humberside Police say they are keeping an ‘open mind as to the circumstances surrounding Libby’s disappearance’

Humberside Police say they are keeping an ‘open mind as to the circumstances surrounding Libby’s disappearance’

Libby's parents Lisa and Russell Squire made an emotional appeal for help in finding her

Libby's parents Lisa and Russell Squire made an emotional appeal for help in finding her

Police said she remained in the area until 12.09am and has not been seen since.

Yesterday a woman in her 30s told the Mail that she and her husband heard a piercing scream at 12.30am.

The woman, who has asked not to be named, lives about 100 yards from Miss Squire’s student house and the bench. She said: ‘I was in bed reading and my husband was still up. We both heard the scream. It made me sit up – it was an urgent, loud female scream.

The University of Hull student has not been seen since vanishing late on Thursday night

The University of Hull student has not been seen since vanishing late on Thursday night

‘It sounded like it was from someone walking past outside our house. At the time, I thought a woman was being attacked. It sounded like it was coming from someone who was scared.

‘We do get a lot of students who live in the road that Libby lives in who use this road as a cut-through. They go past screaming, shouting and singing. It’s not unusual. But this scream was a bit different – it sounded urgent, panicked.’

The woman described hearing 'blood-curdling screams' the night of Libby's disappearance. 

She was so terrified when she heard the noise that she sat up in bed and said 'oh my God', the Sun reported.  

'It sounded like someone being attacked, it was blood-curdling,' she said. 

The couple then heard ‘muttering voices’ and ‘another scream’. Then the sound of a ‘wooden door slamming’.

Due to confusion over which night the incident happened, the couple did not mention it on Saturday when police carrying out door-to-door inquiries visited their house.

They later realised it was on the night Miss Squire vanished and phoned 101. The woman added: ‘The police haven’t been around to take a statement yet, I imagine they have had lots of tips.’

Humberside Police said they had received ‘hundreds of calls’ from people offering information and were still taking statements from residents. Detectives have also been searching drains, waste bins and gardens in the area.

Chief Superintendent Phil Ward said a huge amount of work was being done to try to trace Miss Squire.

He said: ‘While her location is not yet known, this does not mean she has come to harm, but we must carry out a thorough investigation and explore all possibilities.’

Pictured: Police teams searching the waters of the Beverley and Barmston Drain river

Pictured: Police teams searching the waters of the Beverley and Barmston Drain river

Police teams pictured scouring waterways and ponds near the student's home

Police teams pictured scouring waterways and ponds near the student's home

Hull University students in the area have expressed fears for their safety.

Tom Wilkinson, 20, said: ‘Students are going about in pairs. Everyone is scared. Everyone is still worried for her. No one feels safe when they go on a night out.’

Louisa Amasanti, 20, added: ‘It’s scary and surreal. No one is going anywhere alone.

‘People seem to think she wandered off somewhere and fell somehow.’

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News Photo Neighbour tells of hearing a terrified woman's scream at the time Libby went missing
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