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понедельник, 1 апреля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Woman reveals how having SEVEN one-night stands in a week healed and 'find herself'

An Australian woman who embarked on a sexual experiment and slept with seven men in a week after going through a divorce has revealed how it helped 'heal her'. 

Nadia Bokody, global editor of She Said, previously told how she would have sex up to seven times a day after splitting up from her husband of seven years.

And in a recent entry on the website Nadia, who is now in a relationship with boyfriend Kynan, admitted that her sexual encounters made her feel 'alive' after being a 'wife' for almost a decade.

Calling it a 'pot of gold at the end of my sexual rainbow', Nadia revealed how experiencing a stream of 'transient lovers 'quenched' the frustrations and 'unspoken desires' she felt at the end of her marriage breakdown.

Australian editor Nadia Bokody embarked on a sexual experiment and slept with seven men in a week after going through a divorce and has claimed that it helped 'heal her'

 Australian editor Nadia Bokody embarked on a sexual experiment and slept with seven men in a week after going through a divorce and has claimed that it helped 'heal her'

Nadia wrote: 'And so, without entirely setting out to, I began a seven-day expedition of sorts, venturing through each of the hues of the new sexual rainbow coming into focus at the end of a long and heady relationship storm'.

Describing each of her sexual encounters, Nadia explained how her spirit felt 'paradoxically invigorated', adding: 'I felt alive. I felt like me. And I loved it. '

Admitting that she cried 'happy tears' straight after some of the encounters, she said: 'Quenching the frustrations and unspoken desires left lingering at the end of my marriage breakdown hadn’t just given me a newfound love of sex again, it had put me back in touch with something greater. 

'Letting go of everything I knew about love, lust, and sexual gratification in the strange security of transient lovers who knew nothing of me or my history allowed me to find my way back to myself – before I was a wife, a girlfriend, or even someone’s fling. And that was the real pot of gold at the end of my sexual rainbow.'

In a recent entry on the website Nadia, who is now in a relationship with boyfriend Kynan, admitted that her sexual encounters made her feel 'alive' after being a 'wife' for almost a decade

In a recent entry on the website Nadia, who is now in a relationship with boyfriend Kynan, admitted that her sexual encounters made her feel 'alive' after being a 'wife' for almost a decade

Nadia previously told how she had six different men on rotation because she was 'addicted' to them.

Speaking on the Kyle and Jackie O Australian radio programme, she revealed the highest number of sex she had in one day.

'I don't think it's anything astronomical but I would have sex maybe six or seven times in a day,' she said. 

'I would have the odd day where it might have been more than one person in a day but it would have been no more than two.'

Nadia then explained that she never thought she was a sex addict until she got together with her current boyfriend, Kynan.  

Nadia Bokody, global editor of She Said , previously told how she would have sex up to seven times a day after splitting up from her husband of seven years

 Nadia Bokody, global editor of She Said , previously told how she would have sex up to seven times a day after splitting up from her husband of seven years

Nadia was diagnosed while in mental health treatment as having Borderline Personality Disorder, which she is still continuing weekly treatment for at an out-patient facility. 

'I checked in with a therapist and he suggested I consider the possibility I had addiction issues around sex and that I was severely codependent,' she told FEMAIL.

'From there, I discovered and joined a group called Co-Dependents Anonymous, a support group who work on the same concept as Al-Anon, and eventually spent some time in a psychiatric facility, where I was formally diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.

'One of the common traits of people with BPD is hypersexuality and lots of reckless sexual behaviour, as well as an extreme fear of abandonment and acute emotional reactivity which can often result in suicidal ideation and self-harm.'      

Nadia previously told how she had six different men on rotation because she was 'addicted' to them

Nadia previously told how she had six different men on rotation because she was 'addicted' to them 

Although some people may think that having lots of sex sounds like a dream, for Nadia it was having a negative impact on her life.

'It came to a point where it was really affecting my ability to go about my day... I was finding it very difficult to focus at work and at one point I left on my lunch break to have a casual encounter with someone I had just met online,' she previously told The Morning Show.

'Having that encounter was very lonely and very empty and I realised it wasn't filling me at all.'  

'We are quite comfortable with thinking of addiction as something that's tied to something quite tangible, like an illicit substance or alcohol, but we have a very hard time as a society accepting that people can be addicted to something less tangible, like love or sex,' she explained.

'But addiction is a cerebral process, it's got very little to do with the substance of choice and so much more to do with chasing that high, that dopamine hit that we all get when we engage in something pleasurable.'

Nadia told the program that for many people addiction is about masking a personal issue, which it was for her. 

'Growing up I never had a stable male role model in my life, so when I became a young adult I was looking to romantic relationships for that,' she said. 

Although we all have our own indulgences and vices, her vice was an addiction that wasn't healthy. 

'It can be quite toxic for a relationship because it is like a bottomless pit and it was impacting my life to the point I wasn't able to function,' she said.

'When it comes to the point where it's impacting your ability to go about your life is when it's really an issue.'

Nadia previously then explained that she never thought she was a sex addict until she got together with her current boyfriend, Kynan.

Nadia previously then explained that she never thought she was a sex addict until she got together with her current boyfriend, Kynan. 

Now Nadia is in a happy and healthy monogamous relationship, but it wasn't always that way. 

At the beginning she found herself overly dependent on her boyfriend Kynan. 

'Only a few weeks into us dating he would leave to go to work trips for the weekend and sometimes even leave for the night and the emotional reaction I would have was so incredibly disproportionate,' she said. 

'We were both starting to sense then that there was an over-dependence on his attention.'

Although Nadia doesn't think sex addiction is necessarily something you want to be bringing up on the first date, you need to find yourself a partner who you feel comfortable being open with.

'It's a mental health issue, it's not something to be ashamed of, and you should be able to be very honest with a partner about that,' she said. 

'Once Ky and I became quite committed and close a couple of months into the relationship I felt comfortable to open up to him about it.' 

Speaking on the Kyle and Jackie O Australian radio programme last year, Nadia revealed the highest number of sex she had in one day.

Speaking on the Kyle and Jackie O Australian radio programme last year, Nadia revealed the highest number of sex she had in one day. 

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News Photo Woman reveals how having SEVEN one-night stands in a week healed and 'find herself'
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