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понедельник, 8 апреля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Hope for British mother facing jail in Dubai for branding ex-husband's new wife 'horse' on Facebook

Paris Shahravesh begged Sheikh Mohammed to allow her mother Laleh to return home

Paris Shahravesh begged Sheikh Mohammed to allow her mother Laleh to return home

The daughter of a British woman facing jail in Dubai for calling her ex-husband's new wife a 'horse' on Facebook has made a heartbreaking plea for her release. 

Laleh Shahravesh was arrested under Dubai's strict cyber-crime laws after she was reported by Samah Al Hammadi for calling her 'horse face' on social media three years ago.

Now her 14-year-old daughter Paris has begged the ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, to allow her passport to be returned and let the mother go home.

She described how the pair were stopped at Dubai International Airport and were repeatedly shouted at by officers as they were crying after being separated due to a law banning children from police vehicles. 

Hammadi, 42, initially told authorities Shahravesh, 55, harassed her on Facebook after discovering her ex-husband, Pedro Manuel Coreia Dos Santos, had remarried.

After being reported to police, Shahravesh was arrested last month at the airport along with her daughter when they arrived in the United Arab Emirates for his funeral after he died unexpectedly.   

Shahravesh has been stopped from leaving Dubai for the last 28 days after first being detained in an immigration room at the airport for four hours.

The 55-year-old then went to Jebel Ali Police Station on March 10 and was forced to sign a statement in Arabic and has been unable to leave Dubai ever since.

Paris Shahravesh wrote to Sheikh Mohammed today begging him to let her mother go after she was arrested so soon after her father's death. 

Her ordeal began on March 14 when Laleh and her daughter flew to Dubai's for her ex husband Pedro's funeral

Her ordeal began on March 14 when Laleh and her daughter flew to Dubai's for her ex husband Pedro's funeral

Paris Shahravesh wrote to the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed, today begging him to allow her mother, Laleh, to return home. Pictured is her signature

Paris Shahravesh wrote to the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed, today begging him to allow her mother, Laleh, to return home. Pictured is her signature 

She wrote: 'I cannot emphasise enough how scared I felt, especially after losing my father just a week before, as I was having to worry about losing my mother as well. 

'Yet even though I felt terrified on the day that we arrived, the sick feeling in my stomach only became worse. 

'I have not seen my mother in 23 days, and with every passing day, I feel less hopeful of her return. I ask kindly: please, please return my mother’s passport, and let her come home.'

Shahravesh was given fresh hope when it was revealed earlier today the case against her could be dropped. 

The complainant could reportedly be about to cease all charges after Hammadi said she would not continue 'out of respect' for her late husband's daughter. 

She told Sky News: 'One of the last messages he [the late husband] tearfully gave me before his death was that he deeply loved his daughter. I am willing to withdraw this case to honour my husband's love for his daughter.'  

Hammadi claimed she decided to make the complaint after 'suffering in silence' for over a year and now has no regrets, despite single mother Shahravesh facing up to two years in jail and a fine of £50,000. 

Laleh Sharavesh was arrested along with her 14-year-old daughter Paris when she arrived in the Arab kingdom for her ex's funeral last month

Laleh Sharavesh was arrested along with her 14-year-old daughter Paris when she arrived in the Arab kingdom for her ex's funeral last month 

'She has been abusing him, sending emails, even to his boss in the bank, saying I am a b***h, that I took him from her, that she doesn't have money. He sent emails asking her to stop. It did not stop,' she told the Evening Standard

'It is a crime in Dubai. It is right. I don't feel sorry. She made him [Mr Santos] suffer in the last year of his life. Let the law take part.'  

Shahravesh has previously told MailOnline she has had 'little help' from consular officials in the UAE after her arrest almost a month ago. She is anxiously awaiting her court appearance later this week.  

Lawyers have told the single mother she faces up to two years in jail and a fine of £50,000 when she appears in court later this week.

Laleh told MailOnline: 'I am terrified. I can't sleep or eat. I have gone down two dress sizes because of the stress.

'And my daughter cries herself to sleep every night. We are so close, especially since her father left us and we only have each other. It breaks my heart to be kept apart from her'.

Her ordeal began on March 14 when Laleh and her daughter flew to Dubai's for her ex-husband Pedro's funeral.

Her husband and his new wife Samah Al Hammadi (pictured) were living in Dubai when the Facebook posts were made in October 2016

Her husband and his new wife Samah Al Hammadi (pictured) were living in Dubai when the Facebook posts were made in October 2016 

He died aged 51 from a heart attack on March 3 and Laleh and her daughter, from Richmond upon Thames, Surrey, wanted to pay their final respects.

Two years earlier after the Portugese banker had left her after 18 years of marriage for a younger woman she lashed out in anger on his Facebook page when she saw a photo of his new wife on their wedding day.

Laleh said she wrote two comments in Farsi where she described 42-year-old Tunisian-born Samah al Hammadi as a 'horse' and called her ex an 'idiot'.

As she made the Facebook post while living in the UK she thought nothing more about the comments.

She was unaware al Hammadi had complained to Dubai authorities where social media posts can be used in a prosecution. 

Laleh said: 'I had no idea he was getting married again, and so soon after our own marriage broke down.

'I reacted badly. I lashed out and wrote two unpleasant comments about his new wife on his Facebook page.

'I know shouldn't have. I should have behaved better, but I felt angry, betrayed and hurt. After 18 years of marriage, such a small amount of time apart, he was getting married so quickly. He didn't even have enough respect for me to tell me in advance'.

As soon as Laleh and her daughter landed in Dubai on March 10, intending to stay for five days, they were arrested at the airport.

Immigration authorities had an outstanding arrest warrant following the complaint made in 2017 about the Facebook post. 

Laleh said she wrote two comments in Farsi where she described 42-year-old Tunisian born Samah al Hammadi as a 'horse' and called her ex an 'idiot'

Laleh said she wrote two comments in Farsi where she described 42-year-old Tunisian born Samah al Hammadi as a 'horse' and called her ex an 'idiot'

The two offending posts were: 'I hope you go under the ground you idiot. Damn you. You left me for this horse' and 'You married a horse you idiot'.

The terrified pair spent 12 hours in a police station and were not offered any food and hardly any water.

Laleh said she was offered a statement to sign in Arabic and the translation of the Facebook post bore no relation to what she had written.

The word 'bitch' had been substituted for the word 'horse'.

Laleh was told she could not leave Dubai while she awaited a court hearing.

Her daughter was allowed to fly home and is desperately missing her mother while she stays with friends.

Laleh lived in Dubai for eight months with her husband after he landed a job with the HSBC bank.

She returned home with their daughter expecting her husband to return after he completed his work commitments.

But she later discovered he had begun a relationship with another woman and filed for divorce after 18 years.

Laleh said she had no idea her husband planned to marry so soon after their split.

Her husband and his new wife Samah Al Hammadi were living in Dubai when the Facebook posts were made in October 2016.

As soon as Laleh and her daughter landed in Dubai on March 10, intending to stay for five days, they were arrested at the airport

As soon as Laleh and her daughter landed in Dubai on March 10, intending to stay for five days, they were arrested at the airport

Laleh said she has lost her job at a homeless shelter due to her absence and now faces losing her home as she has racked £5,000 in debt while being forced to stay in Dubai.

She said: 'I have lost everything because of this.

'I have no money left after paying to stay in a hotel here for over a month. I have lost my job and am unable to pay for rent on the flat I live in with Paris, because of this we are about to lose the flat.

'I am even in debt to my family for over £5,000. My life is in ruins, and that is even before the huge fines and jail I am facing here. All of that is less important than being separated from my daughter, and that's all I want now, just to be back with her'.

Laleh's sister Laden said the family appealed to the British Embassy for help but were told they could not intervene.

She said: 'All they did was recommend her an expensive list of lawyers. When Laleh told them she can't afford to stay in even a cheap hotel while she waits and is in danger of becoming homeless in Dubai, the FCO staff just told her she should 'find someone to borrow money from'.'

Radha Stirling, CEO of human rights organisation Detained In Dubai is officially representing Laleh.

She said: 'I have spoken with Laleh, her mother, sisters and daughter Paris. Their experience is heartbreaking.

'Not only has Paris lost her father, but in going to visit him to say her final goodbye, she wound up in a frightening Middle Eastern police station, and is now without her mother.

'Every family member was teary and it was very emotional to speak with all of them. They are all extremely damaged by what has happened and I expect it will be a long and psychological recovery process for them.

Laleh said she has lost her job at a homeless shelter due to her absence and now faces losing her home as she has racked £5,000 in debt while being forced to stay in Dubai

Laleh said she has lost her job at a homeless shelter due to her absence and now faces losing her home as she has racked £5,000 in debt while being forced to stay in Dubai

'Paris is writing a letter to Sheikh Mohammed, the ruler of Dubai and Prime Minister of the UAE to appeal for her mother's release. I also call on Sheikh Mohammed to ensure Laleh is swiftly reunited with her daughter in London and to review the content and application of the UAE's cybercrime laws. I also call on Laleh's MP Zac Goldsmith and Jeremy Hunt to enter into diplomatic discussions with the UAE to ensure Laleh's safe return.

'It is simply unreasonable that a country wishing to attract Western tourism arrests and charges a woman for a Facebook post made years ago from outside of the UAE's jurisdiction. 

'The post would never be prosecuted as a criminal offence in England, and if the UAE intends to detain tourists for posts made from England, it will find itself rendered a no go zone to foreigners.'

Sterling said the UAE have draconian cyber crime laws that can be enforced at any time.

'The UAE is the most likely place for British nationals to be arrested abroad and the Cybercrime laws have potentially rendered almost every visitor a criminal. 

'The laws are enforced arbitrarily, which leads to even greater confusion over what is or isn't a crime.

'I have warned the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office that their advice to tourists is insufficient. 

'When the UAE introduced Cybercrime laws, it rendered almost every visitor to the country a criminal. 

'Visitors to Dubai are rightfully unaware that they could be jailed for a Facebook or Twitter post made from outside the jurisdiction of the UAE, and made years ago. 

The UAE's cybercrime laws apply extraterritorially and retroactively. The Cybercrime laws prohibit sharing charities online such as Amnesty international, they prohibit fundraising, sharing photos taken in public, for example that includes a vehicle or other people. 

'The laws further forbid anything 'defamatory' against the UAE and this can even include the reporting of a news article and further prohibit the use of a VPN.' 

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News Photo Hope for British mother facing jail in Dubai for branding ex-husband's new wife 'horse' on Facebook
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