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суббота, 9 июля 2016 г.


Why has Business Coaching become one of the fastest growing professions?
  • There are more heart attacks Monday mornings at 9:00 a.m. than at any other time of the week
  • Problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than are any other life stressor even more than financial or family problems
  • Statistics Canada tells us that work-related stress directly affects current and long-term productivity of workers in terms of reduced work activities, disability days, absenteeism and turnover
  • According to the US Bureau of Labor, stress costs US businesses 300 billion per year
  • It is estimated that the replacement cost of an entry-level employee is 30% of their annual salary up to 400% of the annual salary for a high-level employee
    Make your employees more resilient and flexible
    Give them the ability to look inwardly for solutions instead of blaming the company, bosses or other employees
    Minimize workplace stress, increase employee productivity and employee retention
    The Employee Transformation Program
    "Achieving Greatness"
    This Employee Transformation Program is designed to unleash your employees' infinite potential by helping them discover their innate greatness.
    The program energizes your employees and teaches them how to be the best they can be within your organization.
    When your employees are given the tools to uncover and then maximize on their immense potential you are in effect transforming your organization!
    Your employees will learn how to overcome the stress associated withdemanding job conditions.
    Thereby creating a more productive employee!
    They will be taught how to positively change their perceptions about their job, their company and their lives resulting in improved employee retention.
    We give them the tools necessary to transcend the everyday and ordinary existence of going to work into a gratifying, inspiring and meaningful experience.
    The techniques they learn will improve their relationships not just in your company but all of their relationships. Translating to a happier moremotivated employee. How do we do this?
    We teach them “emotional awareness”. Most of us are not aware of our feelings. When we feel anxious, angry or irritable, there are reasons for this. When they learn emotional awareness it gives them the power to change the feelings that are hindering their happiness and success.
    We spend one third of our life at work. It is no wonder that more and more employees are citing “lack of meaning” in their work as one of the greatest reasons they feel unfulfilled in their lives. Lack of “meaningful work” is also a significant catalyst for the seeking of new employment. With our guidance your employees will learn how to find purpose, passionand meaning in their job.
    As highlighted above, stress is a major challenge for any organization. We show your employees “stress management techniques” that go beyond just managing stress to minimizing stress.
    One of the biggest complaints from employees is that they feel under pressure due to an insufficient amount of time to meet deadlines and expectations. The "Achieving Greatness"Employee Transformation Program not only gives them many helpful tips on how to use their time more effectively but more importantly it goes to the “heart of the matter” teaching them how their perception of time is the real key to “time management”.
    Employees need to have a high level of self-confidence in order to achieve company goals. Our process helps your employees become aware of what their true self-image is and how to change sabotaging beliefsthat prevent them from achieving at their highest-level.
    Negative energy in any organization is inevitable; we share with your staff how to protect themselves from this negativity so they can remain as positive and passionate as possible. This creates resiliency, continued motivation and higher productivity. At the same time, their positive energy is contagious to the rest of your staff!
    For more information on the Author and Facilitator of the "Achieving Greatness" Program Click here!
    Employee Transformation is more effective when there is alsoLeadership Transformation. It is highly recommended that the Executives participate in the private Executive Coaching sessions as a part of your organizations overall Business Coaching Strategy.
    Successful Solutions Life Coaching is committed to providing the most progressive and leading-edge Business Coaching Solutions in the industry!

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