Free Money


среда, 17 апреля 2019 г.

Nasıl bir android oyununda neredeyse $ kazandım

Genelde işimi kaybettikten sonra, oyunu görmeye ve bir milyon dolardan az kazanmaya karar verdim. 

Programlamada hiç yer almadım, ancak işsiz kaldığımda işe yarayacağına karar verdim. 

İlk başta yüzeysel olarak farklı diller ve oyunlar oluşturmak için programlar okudum, her türlü programlama videosunu izledim, Construct 2'nin benim için en iyisi olduğunu anladım (2D oyunlar oluşturmak için program).

200 dolarlık bir lisans alıyorum ve oyunu değiştirmeye başladım, Angora Kuşlarına benzer bir şey yapmaya karar verdim, ama kuşlar yerine harika bir sese sahip bir tuvalet işletmek yerine (aslında ses uğruna ve oyun bitti), ama bir şeyler ters gitti, iyi bir şey olmadı ve genel olarak, birkaç ay attım, benim olmadığına karar verdim. Ama sonra hazır oyunların satışına tökezleyip bunun doğru yapılacak olduğuna karar verdim. Oyunu satın alın, birkaç düzine seviye ekleyin, karakterleri tamamen değiştirin ve bildiğiniz gibi oynamaya başladıkları ilginç (hatta her kuşun kendi bataklığı övgüsü var).

Tabii ki, her şey o kadar mükemmel değil, ama oyun oldukça oynanabilir, eklenen reklamlar ve ardından ilk serseri. Her şey harika, ama google oyuna yüklemek için bir apk dosyası oluşturmak o kadar kolay değil. Daha önce üçüncü taraf bir serviste yapılıyorsa, şimdi kapalıdır ve genel olarak ya Construct 2'yi satın almanız ya da bilgisayarınızda bir kord binası yardımı ile kurulum yapmanız gerekir. Kısacası, tefle yapılan uzun bir danstan sonra bu kordonu ayarlayın ve gerekli apk dosyasını hala toplayın. Ve işte bu gün geldi google oyununda yayınladım ve uzun zamandır beklenen milyonlarca kişiyi bekliyorum.

Bir gün, bir hafta, bir ay ve ne? Hiçbir şey, her şey sıfır. Hayır, eğer oyun indirildiyse ve bunun boktan olduğunu söyleseydi, tamamdır, bu benim hatam, ama sayfaya kimse gelmiyor, oyun boğuldu ve benim gibi binlerce kaybeden arasında kayboldu. Kimse bir şey indirmedi, sayfaya bile bakmadı. Ayrıca, birkaç gün sonra, ekran görüntüsündeki amcamın bir sigara ile ayakta durduğu ve yaş sınırını 3 yıldan 12 yıla çıkarmak zorunda kaldıkları için ve bazı bölgelerde ve 14. 

Oyunu bir şekilde kendi sitelerimde tanıtmaya çalıştım, ancak çok popüler sitelerim olmasa da sonuç hala aynı sıfır, ancak günde 1000 uniks var ve en az 1 kişi indirmeli, ancak yok hayır.


1 Sözleşme, okul çocukları için ucuz bir boşanmadır, bu ürünü alan 99 kullanıcı para kazanmadığı değil, maliyeti bile karşılamadılar. Ayrıca 200 dolar harcamak sadece dosyanızı toplamakla kalmaz ve daha fazla para harcamanız veya bir tefle dans düzenlemeniz gerekir. Bir gün içinde birinin oyun oynadığı ve ayda milyon kez indirilen tüm reklamları, kaybedenler için boşanmadır. Ayrıca, motor çok yavaştır ve zayıf akıllı telefonlarda oyun yavaşlar. 

2 Promosyon olmadan oyuna kazanın, sadece gerçekçi değildir, Zuckerberg gibi bazı blogcuların yanlışlıkla oyununuza rastlamaları ve buna bir link vermeleri tek şans, ama daha çok fantezi gibi.

3 Google oyunundaki tüm bu milyon indirmeler bir banal reklamdır, örneğin, şirket indirilen her oyuna 50 sent yatırır ve satıştan veya oyunda yer alan reklamlardan toplamda 70 sentten 70 sent alır. milyon indirme ve sadece 5 milyon harcamalarını sağlamak için 2 milyon kazancınız var. 

4. Garajda bir araba monte etmenin ve global bir markaya dönüştürmenin mümkün olduğu zamanın yanı sıra, okul çocukları için eğlence uğruna bir ağ oluşturmak ve onu eğlenceli hale getirmek için mümkün olan bir zaman geçti. milyar dolarlık iş. 

Genel olarak, bir programcı olarak yeniden nitelendirilmem ya da bir sponsor aramam gerekmiyordu. 

P / S Oyun " Mafya vs Tuvalet " olarak adlandırılır 
veya burada 
yapabilirsinizBuraya tıklayarak indirin ve dehşete

kapılın. / Translator ile çevrildi.

Como eu quase ganhei $ em um jogo android

Em geral, tendo perdido meu emprego, decidi reduzir o jogo e ganhar nada menos que um milhão de dólares. 

Eu nunca estive envolvido em programação, mas quando eu estava desempregado, decidi que talvez funcionasse. 

No início, assisti a todos os tipos de vídeos de programação, estudei superficialmente diferentes linguagens e programas para criar jogos, percebi que o Construct 2 é o melhor para mim (programa para criação de jogos 2D).

Eu comprei uma licença por 200 dólares e comecei a variar o jogo, decidi fazer algo parecido com o Angora Birds, mas ao invés de passarem um banheiro com um ótimo som (na verdade por causa do som e o jogo estava pronto), mas algo deu errado, nada de bom aconteceu e, em geral, eu joguei um par de meses decidiu que não é meu. Mas então me deparei com a venda de jogos prontos e decidi que era a coisa certa a fazer. Compre o jogo, adicione um par de dezenas de níveis, mude completamente os personagens e você sabe, até mesmo interessante para jogá-lo começou a jogar (cada wader tem seus próprios elogios ao pântano).

Claro, tudo não é tão perfeito, mas o jogo é bastante jogável, inserido publicidade e, em seguida, a primeira chatice. Tudo é ótimo, mas não é tão fácil construir um arquivo apk para fazer o upload para o Google Play. Se antes foi feito em um serviço de terceiros, agora ele está fechado e, em geral, é necessário comprar o Construct 2 ou configurar com a ajuda de algum edifício de cabo em seu computador. Em suma, depois de uma longa dança com o pandeiro criou este mesmo cordão e ainda recolheu o arquivo apk necessário. E aqui este dia chegou eu publico no google play game e espero pelos milhões tão esperados, um milhão para mim já pouco com tamanha tormento.

É um dia, uma semana, um mês e o que? Nada, tudo é zero. Não, se o jogo foi baixado e dito que é uma merda, está tudo bem, é minha culpa, mas ninguém chega à página, o jogo se afogou e se perdeu entre milhares de perdedores como eu. Ninguém baixou nada, nem mesmo olhando para a página. Além disso, alguns dias depois, eu fui bloqueado porque o tio na tela estava parado com um cigarro, e para o que tinha que aumentar o limite de idade de 3 anos para 12 anos, e em algumas regiões e até 14. 

Eu tentei de alguma forma anunciar o jogo em meus próprios sites, mas o resultado ainda é o mesmo zero, embora eu não tenha sites muito populares, mas 1000 uniks por dia estão lá, e pelo menos 1 pessoa deve baixá-lo, mas não.


1 O contrato é um divórcio barato para crianças em idade escolar, 99 usuários que compraram este produto não é o que não ganhou dinheiro, mas nem sequer recuperar o custo. Além de gastar 200 dólares, você não pode simplesmente pegar seu arquivo, e você precisa gastar mais dinheiro ou arranjar dança com um pandeiro. Todas as suas propagandas de que alguém em um dia fez o jogo e foi imediatamente baixado um milhão de vezes por mês é um divórcio para perdedores. Além disso, o mecanismo é muito lento e o jogo em smartphones fracos fica mais lento. 

2 Ganhe no jogo sem promoção é simplesmente irrealista, a única chance de algum blogueiro como Zuckerberg acidentalmente tropeçar em seu jogo e dar um link para ele, mas é mais como uma fantasia.

3 Todos esses milhões de downloads no google play são um anúncio banal, por exemplo, a empresa investe 50 centavos em cada jogo baixado, e recebe 70 centavos da venda ou de publicidade no jogo no total de 20 centavos esse lucro líquido de 10 milhões de downloads e você tem 2 milhões de lucros apenas para conseguir gastar 5 milhões. 

4. O tempo em que foi possível montar um carro na garagem e transformá-lo em uma marca global já passou, assim como o momento em que foi possível criar uma rede para crianças em idade escolar por uma questão de diversão e transformá-la em uma negócios de bilhões de dólares. 

Em geral, não precisei me qualificar como programador ou procurar um patrocinador. 

P / S O jogo é chamado " Mafia vs Toilet ". 
ou aqui 
você podebaixe e fique aterrorizado clicando aqui

Traduzido com / Translator

どのように私はアンドロイドゲームでほぼ$ 1,000,000,000を稼いだのですか




最初はあらゆる種類のプログラミングビデオを見たり、ゲームを作成するためのさまざまな言語やプログラムを表面的に研究したところ、Construct 2が自分に最適であることがわかりました(2Dゲームを作成するためのプログラム)。

私は200ドルのライセンスを購入してゲームを変え始め、Angora Birdsと似たようなことをすることにしましたが、大きな音でトイレを走らせるために鳥の代わりに(実際には音とゲームのために)しかし、何かがうまくいかなかった、何も良いことは起こらなかった、そして一般的に、私はそれが私のものではないと決心した数ヶ月を投げた。しかし、それから私は既製のゲームの販売につまずいて、それがするべき正しいことであると決心しました。ゲームを購入し、レベルの数十を追加し、完全に文字を変更し、あなたはそれが再生し始めたとしても面白いです(それぞれの沼は独自の沼の賞賛を持っています)。

もちろん、すべてがそれほど完璧というわけではありませんが、ゲームはかなりプレイ可能で、広告が挿入されてから最初の残念です。すべてが素晴らしいのですが、Google Playにアップロードするためのapkファイルを作成するのはそれほど簡単ではありません。以前にサードパーティのサービスで行われていた場合は、現在は閉鎖されており、一般的にはConstruct 2を購入するか、コンピュータにコードを作成してセットアップする必要があります。一言で言えば、タンバリンとの長いダンスの後、このまさしくそのコードを設定し、それでも必要なapkファイルを集めました。そしてここでこの日が来ました私はグーグルプレイゲームで公開し、そのような苦しみですでにほとんど私には百万人、私には百万人を待望の数百万人を待っています。






3グーグルプレイでのこれらの100万ダウンロードはすべて無効な広告です。例えば、同社はダウンロードした各ゲームに50セントを投資し、この純利益10の合計20セントでゲームの販売または広告から70セントを得ます。 100万ダウンロードして、あなたは彼らに500万ドルを使わせるためだけに200万の利益を持っています。



P / Sゲームは " マフィア対トイレ " と呼ばれています。

してここをクリックして怖くなります / Translatorで翻訳

어떻게하면 안드로이드 게임으로 거의 $ 1,000,000,000를 벌었습니까?


일반적으로 직장을 잃어 버렸기 때문에 게임을보고 백만 달러를 벌기로 결정했습니다. 

나는 프로그래밍에 결코 관여하지 않았지만, 내가 직업을 잃었을 때 운동이 잘 될지 결정했다. 

처음에는 모든 종류의 프로그래밍 비디오를 보았습니다. 외관이 다른 언어와 게임을 만드는 프로그램을 배우면서 Construct 2가 저에게 가장 적합하다는 것을 깨달았습니다 (2D 게임을 만드는 프로그램).

나는 200 달러의 라이센스를 사서 게임을 바꾸기 시작했다. Angora Birds와 비슷한 일을하기로 결정했다. 그러나 새 대신에 큰 소리로 화장실을 운영하는 대신 (실제로 소리와 게임을 위해) 그러나 무언가가 잘못되어도 아무 일도 일어나지 않았고 일반적으로 몇 달 동안 던져서 내 것이 아니라고 결정했습니다. 그러나 기성품 게임의 판매를 우연히 발견하고 올바른 행동을 결정했습니다. 게임을 구입하고 수십 개의 레벨을 추가하고 완전히 캐릭터를 변경하면 게임을 시작하기에 흥미로운 게임도 시작됩니다. 각 웨이브에는 고유 한 늪지대가 있습니다.

물론, 모든 것이 완벽하지는 않지만, 게임은 꽤 재미 있고, 광고를 삽입 한 다음 첫 번째 허풍을 불러 일으 킵니다. 모든 것이 훌륭하지만 Google 재생에 업로드 할 apk 파일을 만드는 것은 쉽지 않습니다. 이전에 제 3 자 서비스에서 수행 되었다면 이제는 닫았으며 일반적으로 구성 2를 구입하거나 컴퓨터에있는 코드 건물의 도움을 받아 설치해야합니다. 간단히 말해, 탬버린과의 긴 댄스가 끝난 후에도 필요한 apk 파일을 수집했습니다. 그리고 오늘이 자리에 나는 게임에 구글 게임을 게시하고 이미 그 고통과 함께 저에게 거의 백만 달러를 기다리고 있습니다.

하루, 일주일, 한 달, 그리고 뭐야? 아무것도, 모든 것이 0입니다. 아니, 게임을 다운로드하고 그것이 똥이라고 말하면, 괜찮아. 그건 내 잘못이야.하지만 아무도 그 페이지에 오지 않아, 게임이 익사하고 나와 같은 수천 명의 패자 중에 길을 잃었 어. 아무도 페이지를 보지 않고 아무 것도 다운로드하지 않았습니다. 또한 며칠 후 스크린 샷의 삼촌이 담배를 피우며 3 세에서 12 세까지, 그리고 일부 지역에서 최대로 연령 제한을 늘려야한다는 사실이 밝혀짐에 따라 차단되었습니다. 14. 

어떻게 든 내 사이트에서 게임을 광고하려고했으나 결과는 여전히 0 점입니다. 인기있는 사이트는 없지만 하루에 1,000 유니크가 있고 적어도 1 명이 다운로드해야합니다. 아니.


1이 계약은 학생을위한 저렴한 이혼이며,이 제품을 구입 한 99 명의 사용자는 돈을 벌지는 않았지만 비용을 회수하지 못했습니다. 또한 200 달러를 지출하면 파일을 수집 할 수 없으며 더 많은 돈을 지출하거나 탬버린으로 댄스를 조정해야합니다. 언젠가는 누군가가 게임을하고 월 1 백만 회씩 즉시 다운로드되었다는 그들의 광고는 패자를위한 이혼입니다. 또한 엔진이 매우 느리고 약한 스마트 폰 게임이 느려집니다. 

승진없이 게임에 버는 것은 단지 비현실적인 일입니다. Zuckerberg와 같은 블로거가 우연히 게임에 비틀 거리며 링크를 제공 할 수있는 유일한 기회 일 수 있습니다.하지만 환상에 가깝습니다.

3 Google 검색에서 백만 번 다운로드 한 다운로드는 모두 예를 들어, 다운로드 한 게임마다 50 센트를 투자하고 게임에서 판매 또는 광고에서 70 센트를 총 20 센트의 순이익 10 다운로드 횟수가 500 만회가되면 500 만 달러를 지출하기 위해 2 백만 건의 이익을 얻게됩니다. 

4. 차고에서 자동차를 조립하여 글로벌 브랜드로 탈바꿈 할 수있는 시간과 재미를 위해 학생들을위한 네트워크를 만들 수있는시기가되었습니다. 10 억 달러 규모의 사업. 

일반적으로 프로그래머로 다시 자격을 부여하거나 후원자를 찾을 필요가 없었습니다. 

P / S이 게임은 " Mafia vs Toilet " 이라고 불립니다 
또는 여기에서 할 
수 있습니다.다운로드 및 겁 먹은 여기를 클릭

하여 / Translated와 번역

How did I almost make $1,000,000,000 in an android game

In general, having lost my job, I decided to saw down the game and earn no less than a million dollars.

I've never been involved in programming, but when I was out of a job, I decided that maybe it would work out.

At first I watched all sorts of programming videos, superficially studied different languages and programs for creating games, realized that Construct 2 is the best for me (program for creating 2D games).

I buy a license for 200 bucks and start to vary the game, decided to do something similar to the Angora Birds, but instead of birds to run a toilet with a great sound (actually for the sake of sound and the game was done), but something went wrong, nothing good happened and in general, I threw a couple of months decided that it is not mine. But then I stumbled upon the sale of ready-made games and decided that it was the right thing to do. Buy the game, add a couple of dozens of levels, completely change the characters and you know, even interesting to play it began to play (each wader has its own swamp praises).

Of course, everything is not so perfect, but the game is quite playable, inserted advertising and then the first bummer. Everything is great, but it's not that easy to build an apk file to upload to google play. If earlier it was done on a third-party service, now it is closed and in general it is necessary either to buy Construct 2 or to set up with the help of some cord building on your computer. In short, after a long dance with the tambourine set up this very cord and still collected the necessary apk file. And here this day has come I publish on google play game and wait for the long-awaited millions, one million to me already little with such that torment.

Is it a day, a week, a month, and what? Nothing, everything is zero. No, if the game was downloaded and told that it's shit, it's all right, it's my fault, but nobody comes to the page, the game drowned and got lost among thousands of losers like me. Nobody downloaded anything, not even looking at the page. In addition, a few days later, I am blocked as it turned out that the uncle on the screenshot is standing with a cigarette, and for what had to raise the age limit from 3 years to 12 years, and in some regions and up to 14.

I tried to somehow advertise the game on my own sites, but the result is still the same zero, although I do not have very popular sites, but 1000 uniks a day is there, and at least 1 person should download it, but no.


1 The contract is a cheap divorce for schoolchildren, 99 users who bought this product is not what did not earn money, but did not even recoup the cost. Plus spending 200 bucks you can not just collect your file, and you need to spend more money or arrange dancing with a tambourine. All their advertising that someone in one day made the game and it was immediately downloaded a million times a month is a divorce for losers. In addition, the engine is very slow and the game on weak smartphones slows down.

2 Earn on the game without promotion is simply unrealistic, the only chance that some blogger like Zuckerberg will accidentally stumble upon your game and give a link to it, but it is more like fantasy.

3 All these million downloads on google play is a banal ad, for example, the company invests 50 cents in each downloaded game, and gets 70 cents from the sale or from advertising in the game in the total of 20 cents this net profit of 10 million downloads and you have 2 million profits just to get them to spend 5 million.

4. The time when it was possible to assemble a car in the garage and turn it into a global brand has passed, as well as the time when it was possible to create a network for schoolchildren for the sake of fun and turn it into a billion-dollar business.

In general, I didn't have to re-qualify as a programmer or look for a sponsor.

P/S The game is called "Mafia vs Toilet".
or here
You can download and be terrified by clicking here

Translated with /Translator

среда, 10 апреля 2019 г.

"Many Photos" - Man Utd vs Barcelona FREE: TV channel, live stream, kick off time and team news for Champions League clash

MANCHESTER UNITED welcome Barcelona in one of the biggest clashes in this year’s Champions League.

The two sides famously met in two finals in three years, with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer hoping to do what his mentor Sir Alex Ferguson did in 2008 – knock Lionel Messi out of the competition.

Marcus Rashford’s penalty secured one of the most memorable Champions League comebacks against PSG in the last round

What time does Man Utd vs Barcelona kick off?

This Champions League quarter-final first leg will take place on Wednesday, April 10.

It will kick off at 8pm.

The match will be held at Old Trafford.

The reverse leg will take place on Tuesday, April 16 at Camp Nou.

What TV channel is it on and can I live stream it?

This Champions League fixture will be shown live on BT Sport 2 with coverage underway from 7pm.

BT Sport subscribers can live stream this fixture via their computer, mobile and tablet.

However, EE phone customers can also watch the action via the app with a FREE three-month trial.

All you have to do is text SPORT to 150 to get use of the app and free casting to your TV.

Alternatively, you can follow our dedicated SunSport LIVE BLOG.

What is the team news?

Manchester United have a lengthy injury list with Eric Bailly, Marcus Rashford and Ander Herrera all major doubts.

Antonio Valencia and Matteo Darmian are back in training – but Alexis Sancvhez will miss out.

Meanwhile, Barcelona have confirmed their squad heading to Old Trafford, but have curiously picked Ousmane Dembele and Jean-Clair Todibo.

Dembele is a doubt for the match, having been suffering with a hamstring problem, while his fellow countryman is unable to play in the Champions League.

The other unusual name is Inaki Pena, with the Barca B goalkeeper called up as alternatives to Marc-Andre Ter Stegen and Jasper Cillessen.

News Photo Man Utd vs Barcelona FREE: TV channel, live stream, kick off time and team news for Champions League clash
You don’t have to pack away your dress just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

"Many Photos" - Race to find F-35 stealth jet that crashed and sank to 5,000ft in sea off Japan

The US military is desperately trying to recover the wreckage of a Japanese F-35A stealth fighter which crashed over the Pacific yesterday amid fears China and Russia could beat them to it.

Parts of the tail of the world's most sophisticated stealth jet have already been found after it disappeared off the radar 85 miles east of Misawa, Japan during a training mission.

Eight ships and seven aircraft,including a U.S. Navy P-8 Orion maritime patrol plane, are looking for traces of the jet that is believed to have sunk to 5,000ft. The pilot of the aircraft is still missing.

But experts today warned that Russia and China could also be trying to get their hands on the aircraft to discover its secrets.  

Tom Moore, a former senior professional staff member at the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, tweeted: 'There is no price too high in this world for China and Russia to pay to get Japan's missing F-35, if they can. Big deal.'

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Experts have warned that the jet could contain technologies that Russia and China would be able to steal. Pictured: Japan's Coast Guard searching for the rest of the wreckage

Experts have warned that the jet could contain technologies that Russia and China would be able to steal. Pictured: Japan's Coast Guard searching for the rest of the wreckage

A Japanese Air Force F-35A stealth jet taking off at the Misawa Air Base, where the crashed jet was stationed before Tuesday's crash

A Japanese Air Force F-35A stealth jet taking off at the Misawa Air Base, where the crashed jet was stationed before Tuesday's crash

'Bottom line is that it would not be good,' retired US Air Force Lt. Gen. David Deptula told Business Insider.  


Role: Stealth multirole fighter

First flight: December 15, 2006

Unit cost (not including engine):

F-35A - $98million

F-35B - $104million

F-35C - $116million

Number built: 115 (as of November 2014)

Length: 15.67m

Wingspan: 10.7m

Height: 4.33m

Max speed (F-35A): 1,930kph 

It is believed Russia and China could be using their advanced submarines to scour the ocean floor in search of the jet in order to steal vital technology on board.

And experts have warned that parts of the jet could easily be replicated if they do recover the wreckage before US or Japanese search teams. 

'The usefulness for Russia or China of recovering some or all of the wreckage would depend on how much damage the aircraft sustained upon hitting the water,' Justin Bronk, an combat aviation expert at the Royal United Services Institute, told Business Insider.

'The general shape of the jet is well known, as are its performance characteristics so not much to gain there but parts of radar and other sensors would be prime targets for recover and testing/even attempts at reverse engineering.'

There was no word yet on the fate of the one pilot and a large chunk of the plane remains missing, Japanese Defence Minister Takeshi Iwaya said. 

'We have collected part of its tail' in search operations at sea with planes and vessels, Iwaya told reporters.  'We believe it crashed,' he added.

A Japan Coast Guard's helicopter hovers around the sea area where a Japanese fighter jet is believed to have crashed

A Japan Coast Guard's helicopter hovers around the sea area where a Japanese fighter jet is believed to have crashed

The aircraft, less than one-year-old, was the first F-35 to be assembled in Japan and was only in the air for 28 minutes on Tuesday, a defence official said. 

It was at the front of a group of four planes out for training manoeuvres when it sent an 'aborting practice' signal and then disappeared from the radar, Defence Minister Takeshi Iwaya told reporters. 

The F-35 crash in the Pacific represents the first ever such opportunity for Russia and China to hunt for one of the planes as the jet has only crashed once before, and that time was on US soil.   

A U.S. military short take off and landing (STOVL) F-35B crashed near the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in South Carolina in September prompting a temporary grounding of the aircraft.

Lockheed Martin, which manufactures the aircraft, said it was standing by to support the Japanese Air Self Defense Force as needed. The Pentagon said it was monitoring the situation. 

Japan started deploying the expensive U.S.-made F-35s since last year, part of its plan to bolster its defense spending and weapons capability in the coming years to counter potential threats from North Korea and China.

Under guidelines approved in December, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government plans to buy 147 F-35s, including 105 F-35As, costing about 10 billion yen ($90 million) each.

The F-35 is the first to combine radar-evading stealth technology with supersonic speeds and the ability to conduct short take-offs and vertical landings.

It has the ability to operate from land and sea and has previously been hailed as a huge leap forward in aerospace technology.

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News Photo Race to find F-35 stealth jet that crashed and sank to 5,000ft in sea off Japan
You don’t have to pack away your dress just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

"Many Photos" - Mum stole £170k from cancer-stricken boss to fund slot machine addiction

A MUM stole £170,000 from her cancer-stricken boss to fund her slot machine addiction, a court heard.

Stephanie Graysmark was left in charge of the caravan park for three years after the owner, her grandmother-in-law, was diagnosed with cancer.

Maidstone Crown Court heard how Stephanie Graysmark became a ‘slave to gambling’

The 33-year-old admitted two counts of theft after plundering the site’s coffers to fund her gambling addiction to controversial fixed odds betting machines.

Graysmark destroyed the Kent caravan park’s finances to such an extent that 73-year-old owner Maureen Wharton had to sell the business she had built up for over the last four decades.


Maidstone Crown Court heard how Graysmark is the sole carer for her two children and a judge said the youngsters did not deserve to lose their mother.

He said the mother had become a “slave to gambling” and that his decision not to jail her was an “exceptional course”.

Judge Philip St John-Stevens said: “What you did has had a catastrophic effect on the company.

“You deserve to go to prison but your children don’t deserve to lose their mother.”

You deserve to go to prison but your children don’t deserve to lose their mother

Judge Philip St John-Stevens

The court heard Graysmark started working at her husband’s family’s business in Leysdown, Kent, as a receptionist in 2010.

But in 2014, Mrs Wharton was diagnosed with cancer and the defendant was given control of her business and private bank accounts.

By 2017, Mrs Wharton discovered the phones had been cut off because bills hadn’t been paid at the Central Beach Caravan Park, and staff were owed wages.

Graysmark claimed it was an error but a finance report revealed £176,000 had been stolen.

She also later admitted paying a £1,000 PayPal bill from Mrs Wharton’s personal account.

The victim was later forced to sell the business to pay off her granddaughter-in-law’s debts.

Paul Douglass, defending, said Graysmark, of Crayford, Kent, became addicted to slot machines because of the stress of running the complex by herself.


He said Graysmark began stealing a little at a time and had planned to repay it when she had a substantial win.

Mr Douglass said: “She came to feel over-loaded with responsibility and the amount of work she had to do. She was working long hours.”

“She is disgusted with her behaviour but was helpless to change and became trapped by her addiction.

“She wasn’t living the high life, going on holidays, buying jewellery or expensive cars and she now feels remorse.”

She was gambling my money away while I was having chemotherapy treatment. I’m just absolutely disgusted

Victim Maureen Wharton, 73

An investigation has now been started by finance experts under the Proceeds of Crime Act to try to reclaim some of the missing money.

Speaking after the sentence Mrs Wharton said she would appeal if she could.

“I’m just completely and utterly gobsmacked.

“It took 42 years to build up the company and she gambled all the money and the company is now in liquidation.

“She was gambling my money away while I was having chemotherapy treatment.

“I’m just absolutely disgusted about what’s happened.

“What hurt me most was I lost my company, staff lost their jobs and some staff lost their homes.”

Graysmark was handed a two-year prison sentence suspended for two years, and has been ordered to carry out unpaid work.

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News Photo Mum stole £170k from cancer-stricken boss to fund slot machine addiction
You don’t have to pack away your dress just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

"Many Photos" - Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Have A Special Easter Selection For A Limited Time

thejunkgoat - Instagram

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News Photo Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Have A Special Easter Selection For A Limited Time
You don’t have to pack away your dress just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”

"Many Photos" - Scientists could unveil the first ever direct images of a black hole's event horizon TODAY

An international team of scientists is expected to reveal the first ever direct images of a black hole today in a highly-anticipated event that will be live-streamed around the world.

Using a ‘virtual telescope’ built from eight radio observatories positioned at different points on the globe, the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope has spent the last few years probing Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, and another target in the Virgo cluster of galaxies.

While black holes are invisible by nature, the ultra-hot material swirling in their midst is thought to form a ring of light around the perimeter that would reveal the mouth of the object itself based on its silhouette.

The press conference slated to kick off at 9 a.m. ET on Wednesday will finally reveal if scientists have captured the history-making first images of this boundary, known as the event horizon.

A breakthrough on this front would add major support for Einstein’s theory of General Relativity and help to confirm our understanding of gravity. It could also help to answer longstanding questions on black hole jets, in which the objects occasionally spew out material, and the activity of pulsars.

Watch live here as scientists reveal the groundbreaking results from the Event Horizon Telescope

Using a ‘virtual telescope’ built eight radio observatories positioned at different points on the globe, the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope has spent the last few years probing Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, and another target in the Virgo cluster of galaxies. Artist's impression of a black hole

Using a ‘virtual telescope’ built eight radio observatories positioned at different points on the globe, the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope has spent the last few years probing Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, and another target in the Virgo cluster of galaxies. Artist's impression of a black hole


The event horizon is theoretical boundary around a black hole where not light or other radiation can escape.

When any of that material gets too close to the edge of the hole, known as the event horizon, its atoms are ripped apart.

The nuclei disappear below the horizon, the much lighter electrons get caught up in the black hole's intense magnetic field and tosses them around at high speed.

This twisting motion causes them to release photons, which is the main source of emission from matter close to the black hole.

If successful, the observations from the Event Horizon Telescope would be among of the most significant scientific breakthroughs of the century.

The event will focus on the results from the first full run of the observatory network, which was conducted in 2017 through the collaboration of scientists operating eight radio observatories. 

'If the project succeeds in making an image of a black hole, it would be a really big deal for the fields of physics and astrophysics,’ Sera Markoff, a professor of theoretical astrophysics and astroparticle physics at the University of Amsterdam who co-leads the EHT's Multiwavelength Working Group, told MailOnline earlier this year.

‘Scientists have been working towards this goal for over 20 years. Seeing these black holes in the sky is the equivalent of looking at the head of a pin in New York from where I'm sitting in Amsterdam.’

The effort is essentially working to capture a silhouette of a black hole, also commonly referred to as the black hole’s shadow.

This would be ‘its dark shape on a bright background of light coming from the surrounding matter, deformed by a strong spacetime curvature,’ the ETH team explains.

The data will put Einstein’s theory to what could be its most rigorous test yet; the size and shape of the observed black hole can all be predicted by the General Relativity equations, which posits it to be roughly circular.

A breakthrough on this front would add major support for Einstein’s theory of General Relativity and help to confirm our understanding of gravity. The theory predicts it to be roughly circular in shape, as illustrated above on left. The observations will reveal if this is truly the case

A breakthrough on this front would add major support for Einstein’s theory of General Relativity and help to confirm our understanding of gravity. The theory predicts it to be roughly circular in shape, as illustrated above on left. The observations will reveal if this is truly the case

The effort is essentially working to capture a silhouette of a black hole, also commonly referred to as the black hole’s shadow. This would be ‘its dark shape on a bright background of light coming from the surrounding matter, deformed by a strong spacetime curvature,’ the ETH team explains

The effort is essentially working to capture a silhouette of a black hole, also commonly referred to as the black hole’s shadow. This would be ‘its dark shape on a bright background of light coming from the surrounding matter, deformed by a strong spacetime curvature,’ the ETH team explains

Observing a distant, invisible object, however, is just as complicated as it sounds, and scientists have never yet directly imaged a black hole.

In December 2017, scientists simulated what the images might look like (shown)

In December 2017, scientists simulated what the images might look like (shown)

The international collaboration that makes up the Event Horizon Telescope effort includes observatories in the South Pole, Europe, South America, Africa, North America, and Australia – all of which must be pointed directly at the object to measure the surrounding activity.

Even with this information, the scientists say they’ll still be left with gaps to fill.

‘The light we collect gives us some indication of the structure of the black hole,’ the ETH team explains.

‘However, since we are only collecting light at a few telescope locations, we are still missing some information about the black hole’s image.

‘The imaging algorithms we develop fill in the gaps of data we are missing in order to reconstruct a picture of the black hole.’

While researchers at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) hinted back in January that they may have captured such an image in the Milky Way, we won’t know for sure until scientists officially lift the veil on the data.


Using a ‘virtual telescope’ built eight radio observatories positioned at different points on the globe, the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope has spent the last few years probing Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, and another target in the Virgo cluster of galaxies.

The observations relies on a network of widely spaced radio antennas. 

These are all over the world - in the South Pole, Hawaii, Europe and America.

These radios mimics the aperture of a telescope that can produce the resolution needed to capture Sagittarius A. 

At each of the radio stations there are large hard drives which will store the data.

These hard drives are then processed at the MIT Haystack Observatory just outside Boston, Massachusetts.

The effort is essentially working to capture a silhouette of a black hole, also commonly referred to as the black hole’s shadow.

This would be ‘its dark shape on a bright background of light coming from the surrounding matter, deformed by a strong spacetime curvature,’ the ETH team explains. 

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News Photo Scientists could unveil the first ever direct images of a black hole's event horizon TODAY
You don’t have to pack away your dress just because you’re the wrong side of 20. These body-beautiful stars reveal their secrets to staying in shape and prove you can smoulder in a two-piece, whatever your age. Read on and be bikini inspired!

Kim says: “I am no super-thin Hollywood actress. I am built for men who like women to look like women.”